A seminar on the Italian system of combating terrorism: the collaboration between the University of Brescia and the State Police.
A training moment dedicated to students and members of the State Police.
A seminar on the Italian system of combating terrorism: the collaboration between the University of Brescia and the State Police.
Brescia. In the context of interinstitutional relations of collaboration between State Police and the University of Brescia, Department of Law, a seminar was organized on “Italian system to combat the terrorist threat".
The training moment, dedicated to a topical topic given the peculiar international context, dedicated to students and members of the State Police, was held this morning in Palazzo Calini ai Fiumi, in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law. Among the guests, also the Prefect of Brescia, the leaders of the Prosecutor's Office and Court of Brescia, numerous magistrates of the judicial district and the provincial leaders of the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the DIA.
The seminar, which is part of the teaching of Criminology, featured the intervention of an excellent speaker: Dr. Diego Parente, General Director of Public Security and Director of the Central Directorate of Prevention Police/UCIGOS.
He participated in the work, coordinated by Prof. Carlo Alberto Romano, also the Police Commissioner of Brescia, Dr. Eugenio Spina, who introduced the meeting. The Dr. Plug, long serving at the DCPP, traced the evolutionary lines of anti-terrorism legislation and the central role played by the Central Directorate of Prevention Police/UCIGOS in the Italian system of combating terrorism. A crucial role in the National Security defense apparatus is that entrusted to Anti-Terrorism Strategic Analysis Committee (CASA), permanent table chaired by Central Director of Prevention Police.
During the surgery, Dr. Relative explained to the numerous students present theevolution of the counter-terrorism system required by our legal system, outlining the complex prevention activities implemented by the State Police with the aim of prevent terrorist events, extremist and subversive before they happen. In this prevention perspective, the following have also been traced: competition profiles of the so-called intelligence sector.
The body focused on this body Parente Director, underlining how CASA is a synergistic meeting point of the security apparatus, ensuring full information circularity and the best assessment of the terrorist threat with a view to the coordination of all the institutions - in various capacities -Interested in counter-terrorism, both domestic and international.
At the end of the intervention of Central Director of Prevention Police an interesting debate was stimulated with the students, in the awareness that a complex phenomenon such as terrorism is being fought only if the relevant institutions network.
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