Vicenza: work begins to create more than six kilometers of cycle lanes with 340 thousand euros of Pnrr funds

Councilor Spiller: "The sharing between cars and bikes is new and allows us to safely connect the sections of the track near the historic centre"

Vicenza: work has begun to create more than six kilometers of cycle lanes with 340 thousand euros of Pnrr funds.

“The cycle lanes – explains the councilor in charge of mobility Cristiano Spiller – were introduced by recent changes to the highway code and are being implemented for the first time in Vicenza. This type of intervention, which is indispensable especially near the historic center where it is complex to create cycle paths on its own, will make it possible to join sections of cycle path that are currently disconnected. Without compromising the current parking facilities, routes will be set up which, through horizontal signs, indicate a safe route for bicycles. Since these are small roads, the cycle lane can be used by cars when not used by bicycles. In this way, with over 300 thousand euros of Pnrr funds we are going to create 6,3 kilometers of cycle paths in various areas of the city".

Le affected streets from the two excerpts (the first of 100 thousand euros, the second of 243 thousand) are viale D'Alviano, via Fratelli Bandiera, viale Rodolfi, via Ceccarini, via Legione Gallieno, viale Margherita, viale Mazzini, via Milano, contra' San Bortolo, contra' San Francesco, contra' San Marco, contra' Pusterla, Borgo Scroffa, viale Trieste, via Bonollo, contra' del Quartiere, contra' Porta Santa Croce, Levà degli Angeli, Piazzola San Giuseppe, contra' Porton del Luzzo, contra 'Mure San Michele and contra' della Piarda.

Vicenza: Al via i lavori per realizzare più di sei chilometri di corsie ciclabili con 340 mila euro di fondi Pnrr

The start of the interventions is scheduled on 19th July with, predominantly, tracking work of horizontal signs to identify an area on the road dedicated to cyclists that can be crossed by cars when free from two wheels. Despite limited breadth of the roadway, it will in fact be possible prepare a "safety" space” for cyclists.

With the occasion will create someone "advanced houses"Ai traffic lights including those that already exist in via del Laghi or in strada Sant'Antonino: it's about safety areas where cyclists, arriving from a cycle path, stop in front of other vehicles at a traffic light intersection so that, when the green light turns on, they can leave first in safety. For carry out the interventions will architectural barriers removed and adapted sidewalks, traffic islands, bollards and barriers.

I works, Edited Mobility, Transport and Public Works service, for a duration overall of 120 days, will be developed mostly during the summer period, to reduce traffic disruption and in compliance with the deadlines imposed by the Pnrr. I am restrictions expected, with possible localized slowdowns in the areas of progressive intervention along each roadway.

- interventions are financed by the Pnrr as part of mission 2, component 2, investment 4.1 for the strengthening of cycling mobility and urban cycle routes

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