Varese: 440 million allocated for the construction of the Busto Arsizio hospital, the agreement will be finalized on 15 October
Mayors and the president of the province are satisfied.
Varese: 440 million allocated for the construction of the Busto Arsizio hospital, the agreement will be finalized on 15 October.
A new impulse for construction of the new hospital in Busto Arsizio and Gallarate, for which the Lombardy Region has provided a investment of 440 million euros, according to the indications on costs provided by Aria Spa. This is what one provides resolution approved by the Regional Council, on the proposal of the president Attilio Fontana, in concert with the councilors Guido Bertolaso (Welfare), Massimo Sertori (Local authorities, Mountains, Energy resources and Use of water resources) and Gianluca Comazzi (Territory and Green systems).
Specifically, given the continuing public interest in the realization of the work, it has been proposed again the 2019 Program Agreement, indicating the area of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio as the territory for the construction of the work.
The Agreement will be defined on October 15th. The interested parties are the Lombardy Region, the Province of Varese, the Municipality of Busto Arsizio, the Municipality of Gallarate, the Asst of Valle Olona and the Ats of Insubria.
Il president of the Fontana Region: “With this resolution, the process that will lead to the definition of the agreement on October 15th and, in a short time, to the start of work for the construction of the new hospital in Busto and Gallarate begins again. The garrison – he added - will provide the territory with efficient and quality services, based on the requests made by the mayors. I think it's yet another testimony – Fontana concluded – that we are reorganizing Lombardy's healthcare system, putting citizens at the center of everything".
“The Program Agreement is very interesting for the Province of Varese – stated the president of the Province, Marco Magrini – because it means supporting the innovation of our hospitals, some critical issues will concern traffic, but the Province of Varese will undertake to lend a hand with local public transport to find the most suitable solutions as required by our role in the context of 'Agreement".
"I am very happy with the Agreement – declared the mayor of Busto Arsizio, Emanuele Antonelli – which kicks off the construction of the new hospital, essential for the area, and which once again instils confidence in those who work within our hospital facilities. It will be an important stimulus for them – he continued – to stop by us with the ambition of an innovative and challenging project. President Fontana had promised a decisive step by the summer, the technicians worked a lot and today we are here to recognize that the promises have been kept".
“The signing of the Agreement will be decisive for local healthcare – underlined Andrea Cassani, mayor of Gallarate –. After speaking with the healthcare staff, we came to the conclusion that the construction of the new hospital, of which we laid the first brick today, represents the only solution capable of guaranteeing them optimal working conditions and high levels of care for the patients. Let's respond to the demagoguery of some with facts."
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