Modena: parents and families, the "birth map"

Family centre: in a map of the city, accompanied by QR Code, all the services and opportunities for new parents. Some dedicated video clips are also online

Modena: parents and families, the "birth map".

A map which collects i services and opportunities present in city ​​for new parents and parents of children and teenagers. Give her non-profit organization who deal with births to centers dedicated to play and training, from places of health such as birth spaces, family clinics and community paediatrics, libraries and educational services, such as nurseries and supplementary services. And the "Birth map” with the in the middle Center for families in via del Gambero 77 (tel. 059-8775846) which is home to dedicated services such as Listening desk and the activity of Informafamiglie, managed by the Mediando cooperative on behalf of the Social Policies sector of the Municipality of Modena.

Within of the Family Center has been active for two years also the birth support working table in which representatives from different sectors of the Municipality (Social Policies, Educational Services, Culture), the Local Health Authority (Family Consultants, Community Paediatrics, Free Choice Paediatricians) and other subjects participate: Cresciamo Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Volunteer Service Center, Modena Intercultural City Project and representatives of voluntary associations that deal with families and active parenting in the area.

Modena: genitori e famiglie, la "mappa della natalità".

Everyone involved, in addition to engaging in the design and implementation of a calendar of shared initiatives, aimed at new parents and families, have worked together on the creation of the map which aims to be an easy, paper and digital tool, always updatable, which brings together local services and offers new parents a rich overview of what the city offers. There map it is therefore one information and orientation tool for Parents, but it is also useful for educational and social-health workers who can use it to provide various types of information to parents with specific needs.

Places and services highlighted on the map are all also indicated through the appropriate QR Code readable with a simple smartphone. Distributed in paper version in the city's information points and in many places frequented by new parents, it is It can also be downloaded online from the Family Center website. In the same ones Web pages you can also see two clips"Birth in pills” to discover in just a few minutes the places and city services dedicated to births and new parents with children from 0 to 3 years old and “Support for birth rates” to find out about health services to support pregnancy and the first months of the baby's life.

Modena: genitori e famiglie, la "mappa della natalità".

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