Macerata: social tourism, from 25 September to 7 October the Sarnano Spa returns

The Municipality of Macerata is pleased to announce the return of Thermal Treatments in Sarnano, reserved for pensioners aged over 65 residing in the city.

Macerata: social tourism, from 25 September to 7 October the Sarnano Spa returns.

The Municipality of Macerata, in collaboration with the IRCR Macerata, is pleased to announce the return of the Thermal Treatments in Sarnano, reserved for pensioners over 65 residing in the city. This program, now consolidated and highly appreciated by the community, offers a unique opportunity for well-being and care, as well as socialization and sharing between people.

Registration is open from 4 to 11 September at the InformAnziani IRCR Macerata office, in Piazza Mazzini 37-38, until all available places are filled. The transport made available by the Municipality, for which a contribution of €15, will leave from Monday to Saturday, at 8:00 in the morning, from the various stops provided in the city. To access treatment you must have a certificate from your GP.

“We are pleased to propose this very useful service, strengthening our commitment towards the Third and Fourth Age, demonstrating attention and closeness to the elderly of our community – declares Francesca D'Alessandro, vice mayor and councilor for Social Policies -. Transport to the Sarnano Spa has been designed to meet the needs of our elderly population, who for various reasons may have difficulty moving around and accessing spa treatments. Treating yourself at the spa, in addition to aiming for psychophysical well-being, promotes social inclusion through moments of aggregation and exchange".

For information and reservations: Welfare and Culture Service – Social Services Office of the Municipality of Macerata (tel. 0733 256243 – 256375 – email or IRCR Macerata Information Desk (tel. 0733 263026 – email

Macerata: turismo sociale, dal 25 settembre al 7 ottobre tornano le Terme di Sarnano.

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