Liguria, Third Giovi Pass/Genoa Junction between Rivalta Scrivia and Tortona.
President Toti: "day of great significance, strategic work that represents epochal change for the country"
Liguria, Third Giovi Pass/Genoa Junction between Rivalta Scrivia and Tortona.
“It is a day of great significance. To paraphrase a famous phrase: it's a small journey for the train but it's a big journey for the railways and the connections between Genoa and the Po Valley. Finally we see a first, real, concrete stretch of that Third Crossing which will make the difference for the logistics of the north west between Genoa, Milano and Turin, in that industrial triangle which was and still represents an important piece of this country's growth capacity. With this train, which travels on the tracks for the first time, with work underway to complete this strategic work by June 2026, our goods will reach the freight villages of the Po Valley and our tourists and citizens will reach the main cities of the North in a time similar to that of high speed: it is an epochal change”.
Thus the president of the Liguria Region John Toti, spoke at the inauguration of the first 8,5 kilometers of the new railway line of the Single Terzo Valico dei Giovi/Nodo di Genova project between Rivalta Scrivia and Tortona.
“High speed and capacity rail – continues Toti – will allow the port of Genoa to operate, also linked to the new dam under construction, capable of making our logistics among the most advanced and competitive in Europe. If we then consider that the other European corridor Lisbon - Kiev will also pass through this quadrant, it is evidently one of the most well-infrastructured areas on our continent. For Liguria, taking into account that in the first batch of these works there is also a quadrupling and six-folding of the Genoa railway hub which will be ready by the end of 2024/first months of 2025, it means truly experiencing first-hand - he concludes - that change which a lot of work has been done in recent years, with an extraordinarily effective connection for goods and people".
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