Latina: Film tourism, protocol with the Latina Film Commission for the promotion of the territory

Councilor Gianluca Di Cocco: "Talking about a territory thanks to television, cinema and theater is always positive, especially if this creates the economy and jobs".

Latina: Film tourism, protocol with the Latina Film Commission for the promotion of the territory.

“Talking about a territory thanks to television, cinema and theater is always positive, especially if this creates the economy and jobs”. The speaker is the Tourism Councilor of the Municipality of Latina Gianluca Di Cocco, following which a council resolution approving the draft memorandum of understanding with the foundation was approved Latina Film Commission. “Film tourism – continues the commissioner – today it is a reality with an extraordinary impact. There are many recent cases that demonstrate to what extent the imagery of cinema and TV can be good for our country and our city, which in times of crisis must increasingly focus on its beauty. It is an opportunity to be exploited with a constructive, imaginative and original perspective. Aiming for film tourism and policies that enable national and international productions to choose our territory is a feasible project that can be achieved in a very short time, you just need to want it. Hotels, artisans, traders, extras, transport companies... cinema could bring important lifeblood and economies. Precisely with a view to strengthening and increasing the tourism sector, considered a fundamental element for the economic development of the city, the memorandum of understanding with the Latina Film Commission. Our intention is to continue the path already started which has seen important productions in the area, such as Checco Zalone in Latina for the film Tolo Tolo, the successful Amazon Prime series 'Prisma' filmed partly in the city last year and the new Netflix series 'Adoration' whose filming is still underway."

With the protocol, the Latina Film Commission undertakes to promote and disseminate historical-tourist-environmental films regarding the city of Latina with the aim of publicizing the territory nationally and internationally in order to make it attractive. The coordination of the program of activities and cultural initiatives is entrusted to the Tourism Department.

“I would like to thank the mayor Matilde Celentano and the entire council for the sensitivity shown – comments Rino Piccolo, director of the Latina Film Commission – but even before that, councilor Gianluca Di Cocco for having always understood the importance for the city of having a Film Commission and its enormous potential. Cinema and audiovisual are strategic and functional to the efficiency and capillarity of the 'attractive and identity system of a territory', to the sustainability of the use of resources, to economic development and to the strengthening of tourism promotion. We have demonstrated this over these years with the numerous and prestigious productions hosted by the city of Latina and with the growing interest in the capital demonstrated in the last two years by international streaming platforms such as Amazon Prime and Netflix. However, we need to team up and carry out multi-year planning aimed at creating the best conditions to attract directors and investors to our city and to carry out themed initiatives useful for making people increasingly aware of the great opportunities offered by the cinema sector. The hope is that this agreement is only the beginning of a far-sighted and fruitful path, aimed at representing a clear change of pace that can bring economic activities, development of services, job opportunities for sector workers and training opportunities to Latina. on the field for our young people. The most ambitious objective is to create Studios that can represent a point of reference at a national level for long-form television series."

Latina: Cineturismo, protocollo con la Latina Film Commission per la promozione del territorio.

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