Verona: the institutional synergy between the municipality and the financial police to protect legality is increasingly intense.
The Municipality of Verona and the Verona Financial Police seal the institutional synergies already in place for the strengthening of legality and economic-financial security safeguards in the Verona capital
Verona: the institutional synergy between the municipality and the financial police to protect legality is increasingly intense.
After the agreement signed about a year ago to safeguard the correct management of resources coming from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), in fact, this morning in Tapestry room of “Barbieri Palace" il Mayor of the Municipality of Verona, Damiano Tommasi and the Provincial Commander of the Financial Police, Col. t.ST Vittorio Francavilla, have formalized the signing of a new memorandum of understanding aimed at combating, from a transversal and complementary perspective, the main phenomena that alter social equity and negatively impact free competition and the market such as tax evasion and avoidance of state and local taxes, undue access to subsidized social benefits, illegal commercial activity and the illegal or irregular exercise of tourist-accommodation activities.
The agreement in question, which is part of the broader plan of the Guardia di Finanza to enhance every form of institutional collaboration so as to consolidate the system of protection of honest citizens, businesses and workers, recalls, confirms and expands the agreement renewed last October at central level between the General Command of the Corps, the Revenue Agency, ANCI and IFEL. for the strengthening of the process of participation of the Municipalities for the recovery of tax evasion of state taxes and therefore gives greater impetus to the synergies already in place in the Scaliger capital between the Fiamme Gialle and the Local Police, also providing for other sectors of intervention and the involvement of further departments of the organisation.
Today's deal – which is valid for three years, with the possibility of renewal between the “Parties” – the offer, first and foremost, timely sharing of assets informative data and news to evaluate in order to orientation effectively the control device towards those subjects or contexts characterized by a high risk of irregularities or tax evasion, including local ones, allowing the timely launch of targeted investigations.
Al center of the new protocol agreement also the planning of joint activities between the Financial Police and the Local Police, on the basis of their respective institutional attributions, while preserving mutual autonomy of intervention.
Basicfurthermore, the provision of periodic meetings and professional refresher courses aimed at defining and improving operational strategies to achieve the common objective of promoting the broadest respect for economic-financial legality, as well as the concrete implementation of the principles of equity and social justice.
"The protocol signed today confirms the Administration's willingness to collaborate through the Local Police together with the Financial Police on issues that interest us all and which above all help to coexist in line with the values that we want to carry forward and that the community wants to see defended and protected" - ha said Mayor Damiano Tommasi -. “This protocol is a precise commitment to institutional collaboration, on certain issues there is a need for transversal action and alignment on values, not feeling alone in governing certain processes is important to work effectively. Therefore I thank councilor Zivelonghi for the activity carried out in this first year and Commander Francavilla for the service provided in this time in which we collaborated together. We believe in the effectiveness of this tool to bring out the hidden economy which is often not only evasion but also distorts free competition and penalizes those who carry out their business respecting the rules".
“Today's agreement formally establishes the full institutional understanding with the Municipality and, in particular, with the Local Police with which an effective collaboration is already in place - ha said the Commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Verona Vittorio Francavilla –. The objective is to increase the level of legality in the Verona area from various aspects including the fight against tax and local tax evasion, the training of our staff and the synergy to experiment with new models of collaboration, the verification of compliance with the rules in the sector tourist-accommodation, which in a city like Verona can lend itself to phenomena of irregularity or illegal construction. All with a method that starts from data sharing"- adds Colonel Francavilla –. “The Local Police has its own databases and a particularly in-depth and widespread knowledge of the territory, the Guardia di Finanza in its activity of economic control of the territory has other information, the exchange of information and the sharing of operational methodologies could lead to an improvement in the level of legality".
“An agreement that follows the collaboration already started with previous protocols, in particular that on the Pnrr and which focuses on combating illegal rentals and tourist tax evasion but also on combating undue requests for contributions and benefits by those who have no right to do so"- explains the councilor for Security and Legality Stefania Zivelonghi -. “These are aspects that affect the daily life of some parts of the citizenry with the obvious aim of promoting a virtuous model for the benefit of the community. We consider the fact of having signed this agreement today between the Guardia di Finanza and the Administration a few days after the changeover of the Provincial Commander of the GDF a gift that Colonel Francavilla wanted to leave to the city as a seal of what has been achieved in the recent times, particularly in the last year in this direction of collaboration”.
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