Genoa: almost 6 million allocated to strengthen the school system
The strengthening will focus on the integrated education system from birth to six years.
Genoa: almost 6 million allocated to strengthen the school system.
La Regional Council he approved on joint proposal from the councilors for the School Simona Ferro, for Construction Marco Scajola and for Social and Health Policies Giacomo Giampedrone la programming 2023 of the 'National Fund for the integrated system of education and training services'. The objective is to promote, consolidate and strengthen the integrated system of education and instruction from birth to six years.
All Liguria were awarded by the Ministry of Education 5 million and 556 thousand euros that Region, with this act, will provide for allocate to the various municipalities. The funds may be used to finance the following types of intervention:
a) new construction interventions, building renovation, restoration and conservative redevelopment, functional and aesthetic redevelopment, mechanical safety and in case of fire, energy saving and usability of buildings owned by public administrations;
b) part of the management costs of educational services for children and nursery schools, taking into account their costs and their qualification;
c) continuous in-service training of educational and teaching staff, in line with the provisions of the National Training Plan referred to in art. 1, paragraph 124 of law 13 July 2015 n. 107, and the promotion of territorial pedagogical coordination.
"With this approval we give the Ligurian municipalities the opportunity to have the funds to concretely improve their network of educational services - declares the school councilor Simona Ferro -. A structured program, the result of joint work, which aims to leave no one behind by guaranteeing, and strengthening where lacking, adequate safeguards for all children aged 0 to 6 in our region".
“Through this measure we intend to concretely guarantee greater safety and quality of the structures that host children from 0 to 6 years old and promote their educational path - underlines the regional councilor for Construction Marco Scajola -. These are long-awaited and necessary interventions and, therefore, in recent weeks we have been working assiduously with the Government on the implementation of the new three-year school building plan. Funds are needed to create what I would define as a real Marshall plan for school construction."
“With this act we will strengthen the integrated system of services for children in our region – explains the councilor for social and health policies Giacomo Giampedrone -. Consolidating and strengthening services dedicated to children means not only investing in our future, but
also offer our children and their families quality educational support that can also respond effectively and in a more comprehensive way to the needs of conciliation between work and private life".
In detail i funds will be divided into 50%, equal to 2 million and 778 thousand euros, destined directly to the Municipalities based on the historical expenditure declared and in a second 50% based on the criteria established by the current Regional Plan for the right to education. Of this second part 68%, equal to 1 million and 889 thousand euros, it will go directly to Municipality, 31% it will come entrusted to socio-educational services for accredited private early childhood education, to the spring sections and to private private schools and the remaining 1%, equal to 27 thousand 782 euro will be provided to the Federations of nursery schools through the Municipality of Genoa.
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