
Catanzaro, "travelling families", aimed at tourism businesses.

Occhiuto: "the region invests 16 million in hotels also suitable for children"

Catanzaro, "travelling families", aimed at tourism businesses.

A meeting took place today at the regional citadel of Catanzaro to illustrate the notices addressed to tourism businesses, developed and promoted by the Departments tourism, territorial marketing, mobility and economic development and cultural attractors.

During the initiative, to which the general managers participated Maria Antonella Cauteruccio (tourism), Paolo Praticò (economic development), the manager of the hotel accommodation sector, Carmen Barbalace, the president of Fincalabra, Alessandro Zanfino, the hotel companies and the partnership in the sector, we focused more specifically on Family hotel notice which, financed with 16 million euros from the Pr Calabria Fesr ESF+ 2021-2027, provides investments for the modernization, adaptation and refunctionalization of hotel accommodation facilities, in order to achieve the minimum characteristics for the construction of facilities for families with children and babies to offer hospitality tailored to the needs of traveling families.

Calabria, precisely because of its natural conformation, presents itself as one destination suited to the needs of all family members, whether it is exploring mountain landscapes or sunbathing on the fascinating beaches, or even discovering the small perched villages or tasting the culinary delicacies.

Therefore, for the president of the Region, Roberto Occhiuto “Calabria is a tourist destination with extraordinary potential”.

“The Regional Council – adds Occhiuto – in recent years it has been acting in two directions. On the one hand we are promoting our Region in Italy and around the world by every means. Making ourselves known and talking about our excellence is the best way to attract visitors and investments. On the other hand, we want to strengthen our strengths, such as family tourism. The 'Family Hotel' initiative fits precisely into this segment, an opportunity - financed with a 16 million euro tender - that the Region is giving to many accommodation facilities that will be able to modernize and adapt to be increasingly welcoming both for as large as for the little ones. A great opportunity for many hoteliers and for our territory."

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that manage hotel accommodation facilities can participate in the Notice, which will be launched from next February 1st. (hotels, hotel villages, tourist hotel residences), already active on the date of submission of the application and equipped with a Regional Identification Code.

With the Family Hotel Notice, the Calabria Region aims to transform accommodation facilities into welcoming places suited to the needs of families on holiday through modernization interventions for the creation, for example, of baby areas and playgrounds, of safe outdoor green spaces and also of interventions for the elimination of architectural barriers.

The contribution is granted in capital account for a minimum eligible investment of 400.000 Euros and for a maximum of 1.500.000 Euros and must be made within 24 months from the granting of benefits. The implementation of the investment must be completed within 24 months of the granting of the benefits.

The assessment of applications takes place through a one-stop procedure, with requests having to be submitted exclusively via the appropriate platform.

The opening of the platform is scheduled for today February 1, 2024 at 10:00 and applications will be evaluated in chronological order of submission.

The notice can be consulted below link

Catanzaro, "famiglie in viaggio", rivolti alle imprese turistiche.

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