Cagliari: The Royal Palace returns to its ancient splendor
A new (old) color, antique red, which brings back its original splendor.
Cagliari: The Royal Palace returns to its ancient splendor.
I results of the intervention were illustrated this morning, Friday 28 July 2023, in a press conference from Metropolitan Mayor, Paolo Truzzu.
"A jewel of our city – Mayor Truzzu's comment – is once again available to the people of Cagliari and the many tourists who flock to Cagliari every day. In a similar shape to the original one thanks to a great work carried out with the collaboration of the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage. Finally, after six years, this Palace is no longer surrounded by barriers but can be used and visited".
present also at the press meeting Prefect of Cagliari, Giuseppe De Matteis, the Metropolitan Councilor with responsibility for School Buildings and Heritage, Alessandro Balletto and Andrea Loi, Director of the School Buildings and Heritage Sector of the Metropolitan City.
Among the main interventions, in addition to those for safety, the more evident is the new facade which, after a careful analysis of the structure and documents, returned to original color: antique red and a way because the imposing historical structure took on even greater importance in the Castello district where the same coloring concerns the most important buildings. But it was also fundamental the installation of a lifting platform which will also allow access to visitors with walking problems.
Furthermore, it was registration reinstated "Government Palace” which due to bad weather was no longer readable. They were the fixtures were restored of the ground floor and second floor, as well as the historic ones on the main floor, the iron grates, the parapets and the balconies. The commemorative plaque on the facade has been moved to a more visible position and the first tourists have already immortalized it in their souvenir shots.
Il next step, with a new construction site to come open at the end of August and will have the duration of three months, will be the restoration of the internal courtyard, an intervention that will also include the restoration of the cloister facades, the reorganization of the exposed air conditioning systems and the elimination of disused systems.
“I can only congratulate Mayor Truzzu – the intervention of Prefect De Matteis – for having given the right value to one of the most symbolic places in Cagliari. The seven-century history of this city and I would also say of the nation is contained here. There have been many royals who have followed one another over the years and who have used this Palace and this is why its redevelopment can only be a positive thing. This is an investment that allows us to enjoy the historical beauty of this Palace but also to make it become an attractive source of tourism."
“We are satisfied – the thoughts of the Ballet Councilor – of the works which, in addition to restoring this place to its splendor and importance for the neighbourhood, have made it possible to make it safe and accessible to all".
“A goal achieved – the closure of Andrea Loi – thanks to great team work which also involved external professionals, engaged in historical research to bring the façade of the Royal Palace back to its origins. There will be other adjustments to be made but by 2024 we hope to complete, with an investment of around one and a half million, the fundamental interventions that will restore life and prestige to one of the most important buildings in Cagliari".
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