Bologna: the return home of "La Accordion Verde" stops
from Lengenfeld concentration camp to Rome, Andrea Satta pedals 1.600 km in his father's footsteps
Bologna: the return home of "La Accordion Verde" stops .
Gavino Satta since July 1945 he traveled, astride the buffers of a train, from Lengenfeld Nazi concentration camp, Germany, where he had been locked up after 8 September 1943, up to his home, al Roman neighborhood of San Lorenzo.
On July 17, 2023 Andrea and Lao, son and grandson of Gavino, together with many friends they left Langenfeld for cycle the same route again, on a family journey that crosses a page of history. A journey, That of the "Homecoming of the green accordion” that Andrea Satta is traveling these days, 1600 kilometers by bicycle, 20 stages, various cities visited (today the restart is from Trento, then Rovereto, Verona, Bologna, Florence) and which will end with the arrival in Rome on the 6th August.
Al end of many stages Andrea Satta will get on a stage and he will narrate the Story of "The Green Accordion“, an instrument that his father took with him on that journey and which then became a book, published in 2022, and a theatrical show, directed by Ulderico Pesce. Together with him in all events – but also throughout the bike journey – it will be there Angelo Pelini on piano while, in the various stages, various guests will alternate (Ascanio Celestini, Paolo Piacentini, Ulderico Pesce, Paolo Hendel, Franco Lorenzoni, Alessandro Portelli, Mario Tozzi, Renato Sarti, Maria Grazia Calandrone, Enrico de Angelis, Ilaria Peretti).
La Accordion Verde will stop in Bologna on July 31st at Villa Aldini, guests of Archiviozeta per Insistenza, as part of Bologna Estate, at 19 pm with Andrea Satta, accompanied on the piano by Angelo Pelini, together with Lorenzo Pavolini. Entrance is free and reservations are required at
La morning of August 1st the group he will start from Bologna and tackle the Futa climbs to reach the namesake German military cemetery for the repeat of the show, always guests of Archiviozeta.
Liliana Segre, in support of the project, dedicated this message: “I am really pleased to wish Andrea and Lao a good trip, their journey to the heart of Europe is a civil and sentimental tribute to memory, both family and collective. 650.000 men, with their NO courageously pronounced eighty years ago, became IMI, protagonists of the other resistance. Among these also my future husband, the officer Alfredo Belli Paci.
A page of glorious history of which much remains to be told. The return journey of the "Green Accordion" is therefore welcome". A necessary ride because without memory we have no direction. Memory maintenance helps keep democracy in good shape. Thank you"
"I wanted to make this journey in the year in which 80 years have passed since 8 September 1943, the day that should have marked the end of a horror that instead should have shown its darkest and fratricidal side - commented Andrea Satta -. And in the long trail of blood that the Germans left in their slow retreat, the story of the 650.000 Italian soldiers deported to Nazi camps after the armistice is one of the most shameful and least known pages of our recent history".
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