Benevento: IC Pascoli shines at the Italian Model United Nations in Naples.
Many compliments received from both the administration and the mayor of Benevento.
Benevento: IC Pascoli shines at the Italian Model United Nations in Naples.
Il mayor Clemente Mastella e the municipal administration si they congratulate with the students and students, as well as with teachers, of the IC 'Giovanni Pascoli' of Benevento for the notable ones results obtained during the eighth edition, in Naples, of the Imun (Italian Model United Nations), simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, reserved for lower secondary schools.
Un exercise stimulating in which i CHILDREN they are called to try their hand, strictly in English, with the instruments typical of the diplomacy and policy international: speeches, draft resolutions, experiences of negotiations and dispute resolution. The Samnite institute he stood out with three Honorable mentions, achieved by Angelica Lonardo, Sofia Maria Nocerino and Mattia Grimaldi.
“Congratulations to the Pascoli Institute. I wish the children to be able to continue, fruitfully, on the path of education in the values of tolerant comparison of ideas, rejection of the spirit of grim opposition and inspiration in the values of peaceful coexistence of which the Naples initiative is the bearer“, comments the mayor Mastella.
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