Arezzo, from the indoor stadium to the shopping centers by bicycle
Two more sections of cycle/pedestrian path inaugurated. The works financed with PNRR funds
Arezzo, from the indoor stadium to the shopping centers by bicycle
Two more sections of cycle path inaugurated today by councilor Alessandro Casi, both connecting already existing routes. The first joins the Palasport Estra “Mario D'Agata” to the former Ipercoop shopping centre, connecting a particularly populous residential district of the city such as the area of via Fiorentina - where in addition to the building, there are various schools and the Arezzo Fiere area - with the shopping centers present in viale Amendola. The route from the sports hall car park continues towards the walkway over the Castro stream, runs alongside the Tenda Theater and continues along the internal road network of the shopping center “Centre*Arezzo” up to the entrance to the underpass which emerges into the OBI square.
From the OBI car park, the second cycle/pedestrian path leads to the shopping centre “Al Magnifico” in via Setteponti and represents the first section of an important stitching together of the city cycle network. Among other things, this runway will also be connected to via Bologna with another PNRR contract: in this way you can reach the two shopping centers by bike from the city center. Both works were financed with PNRR Mission 5 "Urban regeneration" funds for a total of over 320 thousand euros.
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