Arezzo: a technical table convened following the local pact for training and work
The objective is to take stock of the situation of the interinstitutional memorandum of understanding
Arezzo: a technical table convened following the local pact for training and work.
Convened by the President of the Province of Arezzo Alessandro Polcri on 8 June 2023, the technical table to take stock of the situation interinstitutional memorandum of understanding signed last February 6, 2023, which has the objective of promoting employment calibrating the training offer based on the needs of the territory. A path, which the The Tuscan Regional Authority longed carrying on in many provinces with Councilor Alessandra Nardini, represented this morning with the sector manager. present also all signatories of the agreement, starting from the Territorial School Office of Arezzo, the secondary school institutions; by the Arezzo-Siena Chamber of Commerce, by the CGIL, CISL, UIL trade unions, by the trade associations, Confindustria Toscana Sud, Cna, Confartigianato, Confcommercio, Confapi, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Cia, Ance Toscana, Confesercenti, Legacoop Toscana, Conf Cooperative Toscana North, Arezzo University Centre, Higher Technical Institutes. New ones have also been added to the table
Il President of the Province of Arezzo Alessandro Polcri He declares: “I thank all the members of the table and I would like to welcome the new subjects who have expressed their desire to become part of the Memorandum of Understanding, such as ITIS Galilei of Arezzo. The objective is to detect the territorial training needs and improve the alignment between demand and supply of training, for the inclusion of young people in the world of work, thus responding in a more concrete way to the training needs within the territorial production context . This morning's meeting aimed to make a careful reflection on the data provided by the Chamber of Commerce, relating to the Excelsior Project and those produced by IRPET, transmitted by the Tuscany Region, regarding the professional figures most requested by the entrepreneurial fabric of the Province of Arezzo difficult to find on the job market. From the data analyzed it can be seen that in the Arezzo area economic specialization is strong in the agribusiness, metallurgy and steel industry chains linked to the goldsmith sector, ICT, home, fashion in the goldsmith, leather goods and clothing and mechanical and energy sectors. From here, we agreed to create a restricted commission of the members of the table which, based on the data illustrated, develops a unitary proposal relating to the job profiles of greatest interest for our territory to be transmitted to the Tuscany Region, on the basis of which the Tuscany Region can develop future tenders financed with the resources of measure "G" of the Labor Pact. It is essential to work in a network so as not to disperse resources, experiences and skills present in the area for the development of strategic business sectors, based on the needs identified periodically. We must put young people at the center of policies, valorise training as social and economic growth, encouraging personal growth paths, developing skills and interests, with appropriate in-depth training, also capable of combating school dropout, and at the same time with constant monitoring of employment situation, guarantee real professional opportunities. There is great potential that we must be able to grasp and develop together for the future of our territory".
Il Director of the Provincial School Office Roberto Curtolo is expressed like this: “Today's discussion is of particular importance both from the business side and from the education side. Schools must know precisely the updated data of the professional figures and skills required in order to be able to operate, within the limits that the legislation allows, a constant updating of the training aimed at students and a targeted orientation, in line with the new 2022 guidelines issued by the MIM and with the tasks reserved for the figures of tutors and guidance counselors recently introduced in all 2nd level educational institutions. Furthermore, professional institutes also provide VET courses within the scope of regional qualifications: for these institutes the functions of the table become even more important for the choice and organization of the courses themselves.”
Finally, the General Secretary of the Arezzo-Siena Chamber of Commerce Marco Randellini: “The Chamber of Commerce has been committed for a long time, in agreement with bodies, associations, the Province of Arezzo and the Regional School Office, to helping our young people to identify training courses consistent with their legitimate individual aspirations and, at the same time, to be able to intercept companies' job offers. Thanks to the Excelsior Project, born in 1997, which we carry out together with Unioncamere Nazionale and ANPAL, we are in fact able to offer a detailed picture of the economic trend of the provincial labor market and therefore outline some of the interventions necessary to satisfy the professional and training needs expressed by the local entrepreneurial system.”
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