70 years of Alpine Rescue celebrated in Belluno
Greetings from President Zaia, "Montagna veneta among the protagonists of this story of solidarity and courage".
70 years of Alpine Rescue celebrated in Belluno.
"Seventy years of solidarity, of service to others, of dangerous activity with the sole objective of saving human lives. They are a milestone that deserves respect and admiration also for the tribute paid at a high price as the heroes of Falco who fell fourteen years ago on our mountains will always remind us. On behalf of the entire Veneto community, I express my best wishes for the prestigious birthday that the family of the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps is about to celebrate." Thus the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, congratulated the CNSAS that will celebrate its 70th anniversary in December. An anniversary whose celebrations are starting these days with some events in Belluno.
“We proudly remember that the Venetian mountains were a major protagonist in the birth of the Corps – underlines President Zaia –. Of the 26 stations on the national territory that marked its departure, in fact, 11 were in Veneto and 9 of these in Belluno. It is the fruit of that baggage of values that solidarity has always represented for us Venetians and for the people of the Alpine valleys. The confirmation of a long-standing tradition that already in 1902 had seen the birth of a rescue station in the still Habsburg Cortina”.
“Both the expert climber and the simple hiker know that volunteers and expert professionals watch over their passion for the mountains – concludes the President –. The activity of this seventy years reminds us that the mountain should never be taken lightly. That it should be faced with a sense of responsibility and the appropriate equipment so that we do not put our lives and those of those who courageously commit themselves to helping others at risk”.
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