San Vincenzo, drug dealing in the historic center. Man reported by the Carabinieri and a woman reported
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno have implemented services aimed at curbing forms of crime connected to drug trafficking
San Vincenzo (Livorno), drug dealing in the historic center. Man reported by the Carabinieri and a woman reported
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno, in line with the directives shared by the Committee for Public Order and Safety at the Prefecture of Livorno, have implemented services aimed at curbing forms of crime connected to drug trafficking. In this context, The Carabinieri of the San Vincenzo Station reported a 33-year-old man of North African origins, who was not in compliance with the rules on staying in national territory, at liberty for drug dealing.
The Carabinieri have concentrated their monitoring on the areas where the suspicious activity of some individuals, often of foreign origin, consisting of frequent and furtive meetings with people apparently passing through, has aroused the suspicions of the military who have concentrated targeted investigations in this area.
The judicial police service, carried out in the evening, brought to the attention of the Carabinieri the 33-year-old man intent on giving something to a passing woman, later identified as a 50-year-old local woman, which, at the end of the check, in via San Francesco, turned out to be a dose of cocaine weighing half a gram.
The items found were seized and the first individual, deemed responsible for having sold the substance, was reported to the Judicial Authority for dealing, as well as for violating immigration laws. The woman, on the other hand, was reported to the Prefecture as a user for non-therapeutic purposes.
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