Portoferraio: 2 motorists caught driving under the influence of alcohol reported by the Carabinieri at night
The Carabinieri of the Portoferraio Company continue to carry out checks on the territory, even at night, to combat drug use and alcohol abuse, also in terms of road safety.
Portoferraio: 2 motorists caught driving under the influence of alcohol reported by the Carabinieri at night
With the use of military personnel from the stations of Portoferraio, Capoliveri and Porto Azzurro, assisted by Portoferraio Radiomobile Unit, in the time slot 22:00/04:00, several tests have been carried out checks on road users to ascertain possible alcohol abuse and drug use.
- In particular, during road traffic checks, a 34 year old of Eastern European origins was reported for driving while intoxicated because, on board a car, he would have caused a road accident — fortunately no injuries — while driving with a blood alcohol level of 2,30 g/l; the arrest was also immediate license withdrawal.
- Also an 33 year old of North African origins, with precedents and already known, it was sanctioned, but administratively only, for the same reason, having been caught with a blood alcohol level of 0,78 g/l while driving a moped.
From more in-depth checks, the officers also ascertained that the 33-year-old man he was not authorised to drive as he had never obtained a driving licence and the moped he was driving had been reported stolen following a formal complaint.
In addition to the fine under the Highway Code for driving without a license, the driver was also criminally charged for receiving stolen goods, having failed to provide a valid reason justifying possession of the stolen vehicle.
During the service, 40 people, 23 vehicles, 4 public places and 7 subjects subjected to various restrictive and security measures with obligations were also identified and checked, without finding any critical issues.
The activity to combat drug taking and alcohol abuse is aimed at guaranteeing road safety, as such illicit conduct constitutes a prominent risk factor both for the interested party and for other unaware road users and will continue on the entire provincial territory.
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