Marciana Marina: Threatens a tourist with the help of a knife, 30-year-old reported

a complaint

Marciana Marina: Threatens a tourist with the help of a knife, 30-year-old reported

The Carabinieri of the Marciana Marina Carabinieri Station, at the conclusion of investigations and checks, have a thirty-year-old man from Elba, with a criminal record, was reported at liberty and seriously suspected of aggravated threats. The episode, which occurred in the center of Marciana, dates back to a summer evening last August. The reasons that led to this act are still being reconstructed by investigators, but the incident occurred before the incredulous eyes of many people, some of whom even intervened to restore calm. In fact, a heated argument had broken out between the 30-year-old and a tourist who was walking with his family when the latter was allegedly dangerously grazed by the car driven by the other.

During the altercation the suspect allegedly pulled out a knife and threatened the other. The investigation activity and the investigations carried out by the Carabinieri, developed by systematizing various elements, including knowledge of the territory and some video traces extracted from the video surveillance systems, have allowed us to trace the identity of the boy who will now have to answer for the crime of aggravated threats, for which the penal code provides for a penalty of up to one year in prison.

Marciana Marina: Minaccia un turista con l'ausilio di un coltello, denunciato 30enne

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