Cecina (Livorno), a woman with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit was caught and reported
The territorial controls ordered by the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Livorno continue, even in the evening and at night, thesis to contrast drug consumption and alcohol abuse with a view to road safety as a priority, in line with the operational directives shared by the Committee for Public Order and Safety at the Prefecture of Livorno.
And it is precisely in this context that The Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Cecina Company have carried out several checks on the main roads of road users to ascertain any alcohol abuse or drug use by drivers.
During the above activities, a 46-year-old female driver's license was withdrawn, checked while driving her car in the center of Cecina and caught with a blood alcohol level of 1,72 g/l, well over the legal limit. In addition to the immediate withdrawal of the license, the woman was reported at liberty to the Judicial Authority of Livorno for driving under the influence of alcohol and the car was subjected to administrative seizure for the purposes of subsequent confiscation.
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