
Cecina: Carabinieri in action to protect safety in the workplace, a complaint filed, free walk and fine for violation of sector regulations

A fine of €1.850 was imposed, which, since it is a legal person, includes the figure of the legal representative.

Cecina: Carabinieri in action to protect safety in the workplace, a complaint was filed, free walk and fine for violation of industry regulations.

The commitment of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Livorno in the prevention and repression of all forms of crime connected with aspects of safety in the workplace continues, in a period in which such events unfortunately continue to undermine the safety of workers.
It is precisely in this context that the action of the Carabinieri of the Livorno Labor Inspectorate Unit, a specialty branch of the force, is based. Working together with their colleagues from the Castagneto Carducci Station Command, they carried out an inspection at a company in the Cecina area, recording some irregularities.

In light of what was found by the sector inspection activity, namely the failure to comply with the legal obligation regarding the adequate training of employees in matters of health and safety at work, provided for by art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2008 relating to the "training of workers and their representatives".
Thus, in addition to the referral to the Livorno Judicial Authority, a fine of 1.850 euros was also imposed, which, since it is a legal person, includes the figure of the legal representative.

The Carabinieri continue to carry out constant checks both in the major urban centres and throughout the rest of the province of Livorno.


Cecina: Carabinieri in azione a tutela della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro, scattata una denuncia piede libero e sanzione per violazione norme di settore.

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