Livorno, he steals a woman's cell phone and payment cards with which she tried to make a transaction. The alleged perpetrator has been identified and arrested
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno have intensified external services aimed at preventing and repressing crimes against property
Livorno, he steals a woman's cell phone and payment cards with which she tried to make a transaction. The alleged perpetrator has been identified and arrested
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno, in line with the directives shared by the Committee for Public Order and Safety at the Prefecture of Livorno, they have intensified external services aimed at preventing and repressing crimes against property. It is in this context that the carabinieri of the Operational Section of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of Livorno have arrested in flagrante delicto a man in his forties, resident in the Pisa area and already known to the police, for theft, resistance and improper use of payment instruments.
According to the military's reconstruction, an off-duty Carabiniere intervened to help a woman who was chasing a man who had stolen her smartphone and wallet from her car shortly before. The soldier, after chasing the man who had in the meantime put up strenuous resistance, managed to block him and hand him over to the patrol that had arrived in the meantime.
Following a personal search, the man was found in possession of a smartphone and payment cards belonging to the woman with whom he had already made an unsuccessful attempt to pay at a nearby gaming hall. All the material found was returned to its rightful owner and, once the formal procedures were completed, the man was declared under arrest and placed under house arrest at the disposal of the Livorno Judicial Authority.
Following the hearing, the Court validated the arrest and ordered the suspect to report daily to the Judicial Police competent for his place of residence.
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