
Livorno: two precautionary measures executed at the conclusion of the investigation against "professionals" in the field of serial thefts

The Court of Livorno intended to issue precautionary measures against the aforementioned suspects, who were also considered to have considerable familiarity with these types of criminal conduct, so as to exclude that these were sporadic episodes.

Livorno: two precautionary measures executed at the conclusion of an investigation against “professionals” in the field of serial thefts.

The activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno among the various fronts opened in the fight against crimes in general does not leave behind the attention for predatory conduct, especially those committed by figures extremely skilled in taking advantage of even the slightest distraction of the victim, be they the so-called "burglars" or the well-known "pickpockets", quick in stealing any type of document including credit cards, ATM cards and electronic instruments in general to carry out any type of operation in order to steal money.
It is precisely in this context that the repressive action conducted by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Livorno intervened, who recently executed an order for the application of precautionary measures, issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Livorno, against two people, a young man not yet twenty years old and a woman in her forties, seriously suspected, among them in competition and to varying degrees, of aggravated thefts and improper use of electronic payment instruments.

In particular, the woman was ordered to be under house arrest, given her social dangerousness and the need to prevent her free movement and the repetition of the crime, given her proven high criminal capacity, also highlighted by her long list of previous convictions for predatory actions, while the younger man, who has no criminal record, was ordered to report to the judicial police on a daily basis.

The investigation began in the first days of last October, after a complaint was filed with the Carabinieri of the Livorno Station, following the break-in of the door of the parish office and consequent theft of 600 euros in cash from the rectory, in addition to a debit card, registered to the parish, with which frenetic and repeated operations had been carried out, both cash withdrawals for over 2000 euro that attempts to make purchases and withdraw money at stores located inside the Empoli shopping center were made, but were not successful due to the blocking of the ATM card.

The investigations were conducted by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit with the coordination of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Livorno, also making use, for on-site activities, of the support of military personnel from the Empoli and San Miniato Companies, competent in the territories in which the crimes were allegedly committed following the theft in the parish.

The activities were developed through the acquisition and systematization of every useful element both from the inspection carried out in the rectory and also from the extracts of the video recordings of the ATMs and the video surveillance of the shopping center, affected by the attempts of illicit use of the ATM, as well as from detailed reconstruction activities of the dynamics of the crimes, using every suitable investigative tool: from traditional ones to technical ones.

Following the detailed analysis, it was possible to identify, by compatible date and time, the suspected perpetrators of the theft in the rectory and of the subsequent fraudulent withdrawals, supporting the reconstruction with objective evidence of the checks on the territory against the aforementioned on the days in which they committed various crimes.
On the basis of all the sources of evidence collected and communicated by the Carabinieri to the competent Judicial Authority, the Court of Livorno intended to issue precautionary measures against the aforementioned suspects, who were also considered to have considerable familiarity with these types of criminal conduct, so as to exclude that these were sporadic episodes.

In fact, from the overall picture that has emerged regarding these individuals, it would appear that we are dealing with skilled criminals who have long been accustomed to serial predatory actions.

L’attività svolta dai carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Livorno fra i diversi fronti aperti nel contrasto dei reati in genere non lascia indietro l’attenzione

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