Livorno: Carabinieri monitoring compliance with anti-violence precautionary measures

A 40-year-old from Rosignano and a 35-year-old from Piombino were reported by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno for violating the prohibition of approaching the injured party.

Livorno: Carabinieri monitoring compliance with anti-violence precautionary measures

During these Christmas holidays, two people were reported to the Judicial Authority for violating the order prohibiting them from approaching the injured party. In the first case, a Rosignano Marittimo, the Carabinieri of the Rosignano Solvay Station have a 40-year-old local man was reported because he was caught trying to approach his father's house, from which he had been away for a few months. The suspect, however, did not complete the violation, having been preceded by the soldiers themselves, who had arrived preventively at the victim's house, but he was nevertheless reported to the competent Judicial Authority, which will be able to assess the persistence of the suitability of the measure.

A PiombinoInstead, a 35-year-old man from the area was reported by the Carabinieri of the Sassetta Station for having inundated his ex-wife with seriously threatening and offensive telephone messages, as well as repeated and insistent phone calls, thus violating the prescribed ban on communicating with her by any means.

The consequences of such conduct may lead to a tightening of the measure in place by the Judicial Authority, even reaching, in the most serious cases, pre-trial detention in prison.

Rosignano e Piombino: vigilanza dei Carabinieri sul rispetto delle misure cautelari antiviolenza

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Livorno have always maintained a high level of attention towards the so-called weak groups and have made a constant effort to monitor and contain the risks associated with the violation of precautionary measures that often result from the commission of domestic violence crimes.

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