Livorno: 22-year-old illegal immigrant reported for illegally entering a premises during closing time

Without a fixed abode in the area, the young foreigner entered a public establishment after forcing the window on the sea side. After being surprised by the Carabinieri inside the establishment, he was taken to the barracks

Livorno: 22-year-old reported for breaking into a club during closing time

The action of territorial control for the prevention of crimes in general also includes an action of proximity and closeness to the population aimed at the protection and safety of citizens also in an anti-degradation perspective.

In this operational area the Carabinieri of the Montenero Station, at the conclusion of an intervention carried out in Quercianella, assisted by colleagues from the Livorno Operational and Radiomobile Unit, they reported a 22 year old of foreign origin at liberty.

According to the reconstruction of the military, who intervened during the night following the activation of theIntrusion alarm for a premises, the young man, irregular e homeless on the territory, it would be arbitrarily introduced into the public establishment after having forced a window on the sea side.

When the military arrived on site, the young man was surprised inside the premises' bathrooms, and, following the inspection, they also found damage to a door, the handle of which was torn off.

Once the owner arrived and it was established that there were no further shortages, the soldiers took the young man to the barracks to identify him and for the necessary formalities, at the end of which, given the existence of the conditions for prosecution, he was reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Livorno for damage and invasion of buildings.

Livorno: 22enne irregolare denunciato per essersi introdotto abusivamente in un locale durante l'orario di chiusura


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