Tricase: the author of eight thefts at the expense of eight churches has been arrested. He is said to have stolen around a thousand euros from inside the offertories and votive candlesticks
Yesterday evening, the Carabinieri of the Tricase Company executed an Order for the application of the personal precautionary measure of house arrest, issued by the GIP at the Court of Lecce, against a thirty-eight-year-old, originally from Gagliano del Capo, believed to be the alleged perpetrator of numerous thefts that occurred to the detriment of places of worship in the lower Salento.
Tricase: the author of eight thefts at the expense of eight churches has been arrested. He is said to have stolen approximately one thousand euros from inside the offertories and votive candlesticks.
Yesterday evening, the Carabinieri of the Tricase Company executed an order for the application of the personal precautionary measure of the arrest, issued by the GIP at the Court of Lecce, against a thirty-eight year old, originally from Gagliano del Capo, considered the alleged author of numerous thefts that occurred to the detriment of places of worship in the lower Salento area.
The measure arises from a similar request made by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Lecce which coordinated the investigations, at the conclusion of aaccurate and meticulous information-investigative activity conducted by the Carabinieri of Tricase, the day after the first criminal event.
Essential for the identification of man was theacquisition and examination of video surveillance images of the cameras present in the areas concerned.
According to the reconstruction, the man would have held responsible for eight thefts, all consumed in the period between November 2023 and March 2024, in as many churches located in the small towns of Castrignano del Capo, Miggiano, Salve, Tiggiano and Tricase. The man would have He sneaked into churches from which he stole a total of around a thousand euros from inside the offertories and votive candlesticks. On one occasion, he even managed to dismantle the safety deposit box for collecting offerings, built into the wall of the sanctuary “Santa Maria di Leuca”, located in the municipality of Castrignano del Capo. Another theft was instead committed through a fraudulent use of a previously removed original key.
Once the video surveillance images were acquired, also with the collaboration of the representatives of the cult and local citizens, the military managed to identify the 38-year-old, since he was already known to the investigators who conducted the investigation.
On Tuesday evening, therefore, the man was reached by the Carabinieri who, in compliance with the provisions of the provision in question, subjected him to the precautionary measure of house arrest with the installation of the so-called "electronic bracelet".
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