Lecce, the State Police arrests two men for attempted extortion in collaboration

The State Police arrested two non-EU citizens aged 31 and 46 in collusion with each other for the crime of attempted extortion and investigated them for the crime of aggravated theft in collusion

Lecce, the State Police arrests two men for attempted extortion in collaboration

In the afternoon, The State Police arrested two non-EU citizens aged 31 and 46 in collusion with each other for the crime of attempted extortion and investigated them for the crime of aggravated theft in collusion.

At around 18 pm, a request for help from the owner of a restaurant arrived at the operations room on the emergency telephone line. in Lecce, in Viale Taranto, who reported the presence of two non-EU citizens outside his business who were threatening passers-by while one of them was holding a glass bottle in his hand.
The officers of the Lecce Police Headquarters' flying squad promptly intervened on the scene and stopped the two individuals.

The two troublesome men were generalized and the checks revealed that they were 31 and 46 years old, of Somali and Moroccan origins and had numerous previous property crimes, furthermore, they were found not to have a regular residence permit on the national territory. When asked for explanations to the man who was brandishing the bottle in his hand, he was unable to give any explanation on the matter.

Lecce, la Polizia di Stato arresta due uomini per tentata estorsione in concorso

The person seeking assistance reported that, shortly before, while he was outside his business with one of his employees, he noticed a person unknown to him in the vicinity of the business, who was being intimidated by the two non-EU citizens; specifically, he heard the two men repeatedly asking the boy for money, verbally threatening him that if he did not give money they would attack him using a bottle of prosecco that one of the two was brandishing.
The owner of the restaurant promptly intervened, inviting the foreigners to leave, but, at this point, he too was threatened with death if he did not hand over some money.

The three victims then managed to take shelter in the restaurant by locking themselves inside and calling for help.
One of the two men tried to break down the door, threatening to open it, repeatedly demanding that they hand over money.
At the same time, the owner of another restaurant also went to the police station to file a complaint because, shortly before, around 17:35 pm, he had been contacted by telephone by one of his employees, who informed him that, while he was carrying out his work duties as a cook, the two non-EU citizens had entered the business asking, in an altered tone, to eat.
The employee told them that he had nothing to sell because the food was still being prepared, but they insisted repeatedly that they wanted to get something to eat. The employee escorted them out of the store.
Thus, the owner arrived shortly after and viewed the CCTV cameras and noticed that one of the men had stolen a bottle of prosecco and hidden it inside his jacket.

The officers of the Flying Squad, through the viewing of the images from the closed circuit cameras, ascertained that the two people who had stolen the above-mentioned bottle, hiding it inside his jacket, corresponded to the same descriptions as those arrested later. in Viale Taranto and so they were arrested in competition for the crime of attempted extortion and investigated for the crime of aggravated theft in competition.

The arrest was reported to the public prosecutor on duty, who ordered that he be sent to the Borgo San Nicola prison.

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