Lecce: Stabs 19-year-old in the chest with 32cm blade, 17-year-old arrested for attempted aggravated murder

an arrest

Lecce: Stabs 19-year-old in the chest with 32cm blade, 17-year-old arrested for attempted aggravated murder

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Nucleus of the Lecce Company have A 17-year-old student of Colombian origin was arrested in flagrante delicto, held responsible for attempted murder with multiple aggravating circumstances. The episode occurred in the historic center of the baroque city where the young man stabbed another boy, 19 years old, of Tunisian origin, resident in Lecce and ran away through the streets of the historic center. The stabbing occurred at the height of the left pectoral, a few centimeters from the heart, causing serious injuries to the victim who was transported to the emergency room of the “Vito Fazzi” hospital in Lecce, in reserved prognosis.

The Carabinieri, who promptly intervened at the scene of the incident, They immediately started the search for the perpetrator, and listened to the victim and the witnesses present. From the initial investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor at the Juvenile Court of Lecce, Dr. Simona Filoni, it emerged that the incident could have been the culmination of a fight that most likely arose out of jealousy.

During the meticulous investigations started immediately by the Carabinieri, inspections were carried out in the entire area and, in a manhole, in the vicinity of the crime scene, The Carabinieri found a knife about 32 cm long, of which 19 cm was blade, still soaked in blood, probably connected to the criminal event.. Under investigation by investigators, swill also have DNA evidence on the knife residue found. The Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court has ordered the young man's custody at a juvenile detention facility in Lecce.

Lecce: Accoltella al petto un 19enne con una lama di 32cm, arrestato 17enne per tentato omicidio pluriaggravato

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