Lecce: massive seizure of 13 kilos of cocaine, 31-year-old arrested.

The State Police stops a man with a criminal record for crimes against the person. The drugs were hidden in a false bottom in the trunk of the car.

Lecce: massive seizure of 13 kilos of cocaine, 31-year-old arrested.

La State Police arrested a man of 31 years of Lecce with minor precedents for crimes against the person, for drug trafficking, in particular cocaine, presumably destined for supply to the capital of Salento, as well as to neighbouring towns.

The agents of the Narcotics Section of the Lecce Flying Squad, following an activity investigative-info, they discovered that the 31-year-old would have carried out a transport of a large quantity of narcotic substances destined for this province. Therefore, they organized a accurate observation service, following the arrested man in all his movements in the Puglia area towards the capital Lecce.

During the tailing, the man slowed down, put on his emergency flashers and stopped his car inside a lay-by, where he was immediately blocked by the policemen.

From the very beginning, when asked to provide his documents, the 31-year-old showed signs of nervousness, even though, from an initial check carried out on site, nothing emerged, either in the vehicle or on the person.

On these premises, it was necessary deepen research operations. Therefore, the interested party and the vehicle were driven inside the Lecce Police Headquarters, where more activities could be carried out meticulous research activities.

With the help of theBrindisi Border Police dog unit, essential for the success of the operations, the presence of a carefully prepared hiding place inside a double bottom obtained in the trunk.

The operators, after having removed the panel at the base of the compartment, found:

  • 11 bricks, wrapped in packing tape,
  • 2 half loaves, wrapped in transparent cellophane,
    for a total gross amount of Kg 13.659 of a narcotic substance such as cocaine.

The Judicial Police activity was informed On-duty PM of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Lecce, who ordered the arrestee to be brought to the Borgo San Nicola District Prison in Lecce, awaiting validation.

It is specified that the measures adopted in the investigative and/or trial phase do not imply any responsibility of the subjects investigated or defendants, and that information on the ongoing criminal proceedings is provided in the respect for the rights of the person under investigation and presumption of innocence.

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