Lecce: Joint checks by the State and Local Police, a complaint and a DACUR
territory checks
Lecce: Joint checks by the State and Local Police, a complaint and a DACUR
The State Police and the Local Police tighten controls in the historic center after the events of bad nightlife. In particular, in Piazza Santa Chiara, thorough checks were carried out by the State Police who identified the customers of public establishments, and of the Local Police who carried out administrative checks and high fines for illegal occupation of public land, broadcasting music without authorization and selling alcohol to minors. A 20-year-old from Lecce, already known to the police, was identified and reported for personal injury.
The two young people, unknown to each other, while they were near a club in via Maremonti, allegedly had an argument over trivial matters and then moved to the nearby drinks distributor where the 20-year-old allegedly punched the 17-year-old in the face. Given the particularly violent conduct of the 20-year-old, the Lecce Police Chief issued a DACUR provision which prohibits the young man from accessing and staying in the premises of the historic centre of Lecce for 12 months.
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