Lecce: 46-year-old ends up in prison for repeated violations, Carabinieri alongside victims of abuse

an arrest

Lecce: 46-year-old ends up in prison for repeated violations, Carabinieri alongside victims of abuse

The Carabinieri of the Soleto Station, in synergy with the NORM of the Maglie Company, have executed a precautionary custody order in prison issued by the Court of Lecce against a 46enne originally from Burkina Faso. The measure was triggered by a series of violations by the man, already under house arrest with an electronic bracelet device, due to repeated arguments with his ex-partner.

The situation emerged in June 2024, when the woman, a 30-year-old compatriot, tired of the constant harassment, found the courage to go to the Carabinieri to report the violence she had suffered. After yet another argument in the middle of the night, the woman decided to seek help, marking a fundamental step in her fight against abuse.

Unfortunately, news of the complaint quickly reached the ex-partner, who, in a rage, went to the barracks in an attempt to intimidate the woman. The man threw himself against the gate of the barracks, damaging it. Furthermore he attacked the soldiers who intervened to defend the woman that, thanks to their professionalism and courage, the situation was quickly contained, although the two Carabinieri suffered injuries and required medical attention. instead, the woman was put in contact with a local anti-violence center and with the support of the Carabinieri she was transferred to a protected facility, far from threats and fear.

The military personnel of the Arma constantly monitored the situation, reporting any violation of the precautionary measure to the Judicial Authority of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Lecce who promptly acted to ensure that justice was served. After the necessary formalities, the man was taken to the Lecce prison where he will remain awaiting the decisions of the judicial authorities. This story is a tale of courage and resilience. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, there is always a way out. The woman's determination to free herself from violence and the prompt intervention of the Carabinieri have written an important page in the fight against all forms of abuse, demonstrating that, united, we can fight and win.

Lecce: 46enne finisce in carcere per ripetute infrazioni, Carabinieri al fianco delle vittime di abuso

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