Lecce. The project for a new cycle path connecting Lecce with San Cesario has been approved.
The route, 3,3 kilometers long, will develop along the SP 362 route starting from the Galateo Hospital.
Lecce. The project for a new cycle path connecting Lecce with San Cesario has been approved.
On Monday 22 April the municipal council approved the technical-economic feasibility project for the creation of a new cycle path, protected in its own right, which connects the hospital centers of Lecce and San Cesario and connects to the cycle network already existing in the city.
The route, 3,3 kilometers long, will develop along the route of the SP 362 starting from the Galateo Hospital in the municipality of San Cesario, crossing the commercial centre, continuing along the Aria Sana district up to the Vito Fazzi Hospital, where it will rejoin the existing cycle path on Via Gino Rizzo, and in turn connected with the city network, which touches the main mobility infrastructures of the city.
The project will be presented jointly by the two Municipalities to the public notice of the Ministry of Infrastructure for the provision of resources from the Fund for the development of intermodal urban cycle paths, established with law 179/2022. For the purpose of the proposal, the two Municipalities will sign a specific memorandum of understanding also approved, which mandates the signing of the legal representatives of the two entities. One million euros is the amount of the works which, in the event of a positive outcome of participation in the ministerial notice, will be used for the construction of the work.
«It is an ambitious project that we have conceived, implemented and which we will present together with the Municipality of San Cesario - declares the councilor for Sustainable Mobility Marco De Matteis – will allow, if financed, to connect to the city cycle network a protected route that begins in a neighboring municipality, connecting and crossing civil and commercial infrastructures of great importance, primarily the two hospital centers. And above all it will guarantee safety for those who reach Lecce from San Cesario, by bicycle, covering the very minimum distance that exists between the two inhabited centers. I want to sincerely thank the mayor Giuseppe Dtante, the officials of the Municipality of San Cesario and our offices. Extending the city cycle network to neighboring municipalities, thanks to collaboration and a common commitment to the safety of cyclists, is now a necessary infrastructure investment. I remember that similar initiatives are underway with Monteroni, whose cycle path network will connect to the path of the Ecotekne path and that the existing cycle path in the industrial area borders the territory of Surbo, a municipality with which we were able to work for the definitive reconnection and with the which we have already had the opportunity to collaborate profitably on other occasions in favor of road safety».
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