
Isernia, driving without a license in altered psychophysical conditions. Arrested by the Carabinieri

Isernia, driving without a license in altered psychophysical conditions. Arrested by the Carabinieri

Isernia, driving without a license in altered psychophysical conditions. Arrested by the Carabinieri

On the night between October 16th and 17th, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Isernia Company, during a checkpoint, They stopped a man on board his car who immediately showed himself reluctant to undergo investigations.

Given typical symptoms, At the request of the military to undergo a breathalyser test to verify that he was driving under the influence of alcohol, the individual, already known for his numerous previous convictions, went into a rage and verbally and physically attacked the military.

Isernia, guidava senza patente in condizioni psicofisiche alterate. Arrestato dai Carabinieri

The reaction was so hostile and violent that to bring the subject back to safety and accompany him to the Carabinieri barracks, it was necessary to seek the assistance of the State Police personnel who arrived quickly on site. After the investigations, the man, a forty-year-old from Isernia, who among other things was driving without a driving license because it had already been revoked in the past for other violations, was declared under arrest and placed under house arrest at the disposal of the Judicial Authority for the crime of resisting and injuring a Public Official.

In any case, he was also reported for refusing to submit to a breathalyzer test. The proceedings are in the preliminary investigation phase and the arrest is awaiting possible validation by the GIP at the Court of Isernia, after questioning and confrontation with the defense.

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