Isernia: a man with a criminal record from Scampia arrested, 4 young people arrested in possession of cocaine

37 year old man arrested.

Isernia: a man with a criminal record from Scampia arrested, 4 young people arrested in possession of cocaine.

A 37-year-old man, a repeat offender from Scampia with numerous previous convictions for drug dealing, robbery, resisting and injuring a public official, ended up in the net of the Flying Squad and the Flying Squad of the Isernia Police Headquarters; the man, reached by an arrest warrant, was placed under house arrest in implementation of the criminal execution order issued against him by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Ordinary Court of Naples.

Four young people from Isernia, during a check in the city centre, were found in possession of a narcotic substance of the cocaine type and reported to the local Territorial Office of the Government, as habitual users.
The incidents in question are part of the strengthening of controls requested by the Police Chief of Isernia.

In recent days, in fact, the State Police, in Isernia, in the Province and on the most important roads that connect this territory with Lazio and Campania, has ensured - with the help of 2 self-propelled crews of the Pescara Crime Prevention Department - widespread extraordinary control services of the territory, aimed at preventing and repressing crimes, as well as preventing incorrect driving behavior by ascertaining the psychophysical conditions that are often the cause of road accidents.
In particular, with the collaboration of the Isernia Highway Police Section, 36 checkpoints were carried out and 406 vehicles and 518 people were checked, of which 94 had police records.

Isernia: arrestato un uomo pluripregiudicato di Scampia, fermati 4 giovani in possesso di cocaina.

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