Isernia, calls 112 and threatens to commit suicide. The intervention of the Carabinieri was fundamental
Reassured by the presence of the Carabinieri who listened to her and convinced her to desist, the woman gave in to a liberating cry and hugged them, thanking them for their support.
Isernia, calls 112 and threatens to commit suicide. The intervention of the Carabinieri was fundamental
The intervention carried out a few days ago by the Carabinieri of the Agnone Company was fundamental and timely.
Defusing the pain of others, being a point of reference for the citizen, having empathy and never making someone feel alone, is what the Carabinieri managed to convey when a woman desperately called 112 reporting that she felt ill and wanted to end it all.
From the tone of voice and the words used, the control center operator of the capital of Alto Molise, specifically trained to manage these situations also with a telephone conversation, he immediately perceived the gravity of the situation and while he continued to talk to her, he sent the closest patrol to her home.
Once on site, the military found the woman in an evident state of agitation and despair which gradually eased significantly thanks to the dialogue of trust that the Carabinieri established with her and which lasted several minutes.. During the conversation, health problems and loneliness emerged, a state of mind that originates from the death of a relative who passed away a few months ago.
Reassured by the presence of the Carabinieri who listened to her and convinced her to desist, the woman gave in to a liberating cry and hugged them, thanking them for their support.. Immediately after, she was entrusted to the care of the 118 health personnel and to the affection of her family members who, as soon as they were alerted, immediately arrived at her home.
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