Vicenza: from 13 to 22 September the second edition of “Vicenza Si Muove! Experiences, ideas, projects for a city with truly sustainable mobility” returns
The program of the initiative, which will take place from September 13th to 22nd, was presented this morning in the Loggia del Capitaniato by the promoting associations, in the presence of the mobility councilor Cristiano Spiller and the environment councilor Sara Baldinato.
Vicenza: from 13 to 22 September the second edition of “Vicenza Si Muove! Experiences, ideas, projects for a city with truly sustainable mobility” returns.
“Vicenza Si Muove! Experiences, ideas, projects for a city with truly sustainable mobility” reaches its second edition with many proposals to rediscover the city and the territory and collect suggestions to change your daily life.
The program of the initiative, which is developing by 13 22 to September, was presented this morning in the Loggia del Capitaniato by the promoting associations, in the presence of the mobility councillor Cristiano Spiller and the environmental councillor Sara Baldinato.
«For our administration strongly oriented towards sustainable mobility – Councillor Cristiano Spiller declared – it is natural to support and promote this initiative which returns in conjunction with the European Sustainable Mobility Week. It is an incentive to to pursue with greater determination the objectives we have set ourselves on this front."
«Moving sustainably – added the environmental councillor Sara Baldinato – represents a very concrete way of doing one's part in environmental protection. A message that the environmental department makes its own, especially on the eve of the autumn season, in which the problems generated by air pollution that unsustainable mobility contributes to increasing will be more evident».
«Vicenza Si Muove 2024 aims to take a step forward in the direction of a city that definitely wants to change course – declared Enrico Bisogno representing the associations organizing the event – . So, more than a series of events, it wants to be a series of proposals to concretely change our daily mobility. In particular, together with the many associations that have joined this edition of VSM, we are happy to invite the citizens of Vicenza to participate in a large voluntary experiment in sustainable mobility: Wednesday 18 September (A Zero Emission Wednesday) let's try to move in a sustainable way (on foot, by bike, by bus) to carry out our normal activities, leaving the car in the garage or at least using it as little as possible. In addition, we will also present a series of proposals – low cost and high impact – addressed to the municipal administration, because the change in mobility also passes through the reorganization of the streets, the public space par excellence. Finally, together with a group of associations from Padua, we have organized a day of celebration dedicated to the Bacchiglione Cycle Route, a small treasure – still hidden – that needs care and attention. And then much more, something more than a billboard of events: ideas, inspirations, ideas to give back value to the city, to the territory, to the people».
“Vicenza Si Muove! 2024” is proposed by veloCittà, Fiab, Cai, Cicletica, Legambiente, Equistiamo, SpazInsoliti, Ecotopia, Cascina Carpaneda, Cammini Veneti, with the patronage of the Municipality and Province of Vicenza and the participation of numerous other associations.
From Friday 13th to Sunday 22nd September “Vicenza Si Muove!2 2024” will propose walking and cycling, shows in little-known places, day trips, book presentations. Various initiatives will take place around the Carpaneda area (including some events scheduled by the Carpaneda Ecofestival), while others are aimed at rediscover unusual places in the city centre (SpazInsoliti event by Arci Servizio Civile).
The 18 September, all day long, there will be the event “A Zero Emission Wednesday”, with the proposal to all Vicenza residents to travel with sustainable means of transport. Relays of volunteers will be scattered around the city to meet those who will travel on foot, by bike or by bus and also to offer them small but meaningful gifts.
Particular attention will be paid to the Bacchiglione cycle path, with a double pedal stroke – Saturday 21 September – departing from Vicenza and Padua, a canoe ride along the river and a walk.
To conclude, Sunday September 22 will take place simultaneously the Fancy Women Bike Ride (the ride created by women in the name of creativity, freedom and beauty), and Freewheel (Vicenza's monthly critical mass). They will start at 18 pm respectively from Santa Maria Nova and Piazza Matteotti, and then will merge into a single two-wheeled snake to bring joy to the city and give visibility to all the bicycle people of Vicenza.
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