
Vicenza Making Future 2024, from 9 to 11 November the city transforms into the heart of STEM subjects

The new edition opens to schools with a day entirely dedicated to them.

Vicenza Making Future 2024, from 9 to 11 November the city transforms into the heart of STEM subjects

Vicenza Making Future returns for the 2024 edition with the aim of bringing the younger generations closer to Stem. subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and stimulate interest in technical-scientific disciplines, in an event that promotes creativity, innovation and crucial skills for the future.

Organized by Confindustria Vicenza in collaboration with Pleiadi and with the support of the Municipality of Vicenza and the contribution of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, the event aims to make Vicenza the first Stem province in Italy. The fourth edition will be held in Palladian Basilica and includes workshops and interactive activities that will take place Saturday November 9, from 15 am to 19 pm, Sunday, November 10, from 10 am to 19.30 pm, and Monday 11 November, entirely dedicated to schools, with sessions at 8.45, 9.45 e 10.45.

"Vicenza Making Future is a consolidated initiative for our city, which attracts thousands of participants every year. It is an opportunity for children aged 6 to 12 to approach scientific and technical subjects in a playful way - the mayor underlines Giacomo Possamai and the education councilor Giovanni Selmo -. An approach that has also been successfully adopted in some municipal summer camps, which we consider very educational and stimulating. We are therefore happy to host this year's edition in the setting of the Basilica Palladiana, a place of culture that will in turn fascinate and stimulate the young participants of Vicenza Making Future».

«Vicenza Making Future represents an extraordinary opportunity for girls and boys to approach these sectors in a playful but at the same time educational way – declares Ivan Tomasi, Education delegate of Confindustria Vicenza -. Today, companies in our area increasingly require qualified figures in technical-scientific disciplines, and investing in their training from a young age is the key to addressing the challenges of technological innovation. This event demonstrates how important it is to create a link between school, family and business, to grow a community that is increasingly aware and ready for the future. Furthermore, Confindustria Vicenza's commitment is not limited to promoting STEM subjects among young people, but focuses particularly on overcoming the stereotype that these disciplines are the exclusive prerogative of males. This is not the case. We are strongly convinced that it is crucial to also encourage girls and young women to approach science and technology, areas in which, as we know very well, they excel and make a difference. I invite parents to bring their daughters to the laboratories and let them experience the STEM world firsthand, so that they can become passionate about these subjects, when they are not already. Only through an inclusive and equal approach can we guarantee a better and more innovative future for everyone".

Vicenza Making Future 2024, dal 9 all'11 novembre la città si trasforma nel cuore delle materie Stem

«Science is the basis of every innovation, and our goal is to make young people understand that it is not something distant from their daily lives – he continues Lucio Biondaro, co-founder of Pleiadi -. With our laboratories we want to bring Stem within everyone's reach, making learning an engaging experience. We firmly believe that direct contact with science, through experiments and practical applications, is the best way to prepare new generations for a future of continuous technological innovation".

An educational experience through science and technology

Participants, divided by age group from the 6 12 years, will have the opportunity to try their hand at free workshops, its booking, ranging from electricity to robotics, from microbiology to virtual reality. Each activity aims to make people discover Stem in a concrete way, showing how these disciplines can be not only accessible, but also fun.

The workshops are planned “Electrical circuits"(6 8-years), an exploration of the basic principles of electricity through the construction of circuits; “Eco Bugs"(6 8-years), to discover robotic insects and their role in environmental sustainability; “Mechanicart"(8 10-years), a laboratory that combines mechanics with art, showing how mechanical movements can be transformed into artistic creations; “Bio-Investigations"(8 10-years), investigative activity in the world of microbiology; “Virtual World2 (10 12-years), an introduction to augmented and virtual reality; “Astronomy"(10 12-years), a journey to discover the stars and the mysteries of the universe.

Each workshop is designed to stimulate curiosity and interest in STEM subjects, not only with theoretical explanations but with a practical approach that directly involves boys and girls in scientific experiments. The event is also open to schools.

The total places for the laboratories, six in total divided into three time slots with a maximum of 30 students each, are 540.

Vicenza Making Future 2024, dal 9 all'11 novembre la città si trasforma nel cuore delle materie Stem

A day dedicated to schools

The big news this year is the day dedicated exclusively to the schools of the province, due to Monday 11 November. On this occasion, classes will be able to participate in pre-booked workshops, with the possibility for teachers to prepare their students using teaching cards provided by the organization. This day responds to the need to integrate Stem subjects into the formal educational path and stimulate the interest of male and female students towards future opportunities related to these disciplines.

Discover Vicenza with the Stem City Map

Also for the 2024 edition, the City Stem Map, an educational tool that guides participants to the discovery of ten significant places in Vicenza linked to the scientific and technical world, thus providing a further opportunity to explore science through the history of the city.


Reservations for the laboratories open to the public will be active from October 25 on the website www.makingfuturevicenza.it, while schools can already register for educational activities. Experiment sheets for carrying out scientific activities at home or in class will be available on the website throughout the year.

Vicenza Making Future 2024, dal 9 all'11 novembre la città si trasforma nel cuore delle materie Stem

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