
Vicenza, the photographic exhibition on Palladian Villas extended: it will be moved to Palazzo Trissino

Thanks to its success, the photographic exhibition "Ville Palladiane - Visual narratives of the students of Isia of Urbino", curated by photographer Alberto Sinigaglia, is changing location: after the Basilica Palladiana, it will be open to the public from 22 October in the courtyard of Palazzo Trissino.

Vicenza, the photographic exhibition on Palladian Villas has been extended: it will be moved to Palazzo Trissino.

The photographic exhibition “Palladian Villas – Visual Narrations of the Students of Isia of Urbino”, curated by the Vicenza photographer Alberto Sinigaglia, is changing venue. The exhibition, which remained in the Sala degli Zavatteri, in the Basilica Palladiana, until October 20, starting tomorrow, Tuesday 22 October, it will be set up and open to the public in the courtyard of Palazzo Trissino.

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

«After the success of the exhibition and the excellent feedback from both the public and critics, we are happy to announce that the exhibition will continue in the city, in a new space that has an important meaning for all of us. - explains the city councilor, member of the board of the Association of Italian World Heritage Sites, Stefano Dal Pra Caputo -. The courtyard of Palazzo Trissino, recently freed from cars, will increasingly become a square for the community, a meeting place and a place of culture. It is a great opportunity for Vicenza to further enhance our heritage».

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

An extension of the exhibition, albeit at a different location, due to the positive response that the photographic exhibition has had in terms of visitors, as well as the high cultural value of the initiative. The choice of the new location therefore fell on Palazzo Trissino, seat of the Municipality of Vicenza: the courtyard of the building was recently cleared of parking vehicles, and is therefore now accessible to the public. This exhibition will therefore be the first initiative with which we intend to enhance the space offered by the courtyard of Palazzo Trissino, so as to dedicate it to public use for exhibitions and other initiatives.

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

For better access to the exhibition, which last day of opening expected is November 17th, during the entire exhibition period the gate of Palazzo Trissino which overlooks Contra' Cavour will also be open.

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

The exhibition offers a new perspective on Palladio's architectural heritage, captured through the creative and contemporary gaze of students from the prestigious Isia (Higher Institute for Artistic Industries) in Urbino. The initiative was made possible thanks to the support of the Municipality of Vicenza and the Councilor for Economic Development and the Territory Cristina Balbi, the Unesco Office of the Municipality, the City Councilor Dal Pra Caputo, the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (Iccd), the Palladio Museum and the cultural association Ubif.

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

Admission is free.
The opening hours for the public in the new location will be the same as those of Palazzo Trissino, that is, from Monday to Friday, from 7.30:19.30 to 7.30:12.30, and on Saturday from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX.
For further information: www.ubif.it info@ubif.it 3405384464 (Sacha Catalano)
For information on the Unesco website: www.vicenzavillepalladio.it

Vicenza, prolungata la mostra fotografica sulle Ville palladiane: sarà spostata a Palazzo Trissino

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