
Vicenza: 3000 trees for two new green lungs at Bosco del Quarelo

On Saturday 23 November the Municipality, Alì supermarkets and WOWnature will come together for collective planting, enriching the city of Vicenza with new green spaces and improving air quality and local biodiversity.

Vicenza: 3000 trees for two new green lungs at Bosco del Quarelo.

Two major objectives intertwine to give life to two green lungs for the city of Vicenza. The first is to improve the quality of life in the city, contributing to the well-being of the people who live there, and improving its appearance with the arrival of a forest of 580 new trees in via Divisione Julia, a stone's throw from the historic center of Vicenza.

The second objective is to increase the woods also in the peri-urban area, enriching the Bosco del Quarelo area with the donation of another 2378 trees: an area already frequented by walkers and cyclists who travel the ring road that passes through the Retrone park and the current Bosco Quarelo (afforestation dating back to 2005 by the Municipality of Vicenza).

To celebrate the Tree Festival, Saturday 23 November at 11.00 Alì supermarkets, WOWnature and the Municipality of Vicenza invite citizens to meet for the planting of new trees destined for the reforestation and expansion of the Quarelo forest.

«We invite citizens to participate in large numbers on Saturday 23 November in the planting of new trees at Bosco del Quarelo. Green interventions contribute to improving life in our neighborhoods: each tree planted represents a further step towards a more sustainable Vicenza. We therefore thank Alì supermarkets and WOWnature for this important initiative that will bring a significant number of new plants to the city. This is a collaboration between the public and private sectors that represents a fundamental tool for increasing the presence of trees and improving the quality of life in the city», they declare the mayor Giacomo Possamai and the environmental councillor Sara Baldinato.

«The generation of these two new urban forests reflects our commitment to the environment: we want to take care of the communities in the area that hosts us also through the planting of trees. Since 2010 we have started a green marathon that has allowed us to donate, together with our customers, over 53.000 trees to our area. And this year we are happy to celebrate the Tree Festival in the city of Vicenza with and for its inhabitants», he declares Gianni Canella, President of Alì SpA

«The Bosco del Quarelo expansion project was conceived following the best technical and scientific practices and with particular attention to the local context. The planting of the new trees is only the first step, a significant and very satisfying moment, but the work will continue: we foresee five years of constant maintenance, during which emergency irrigation, weed removal and mechanized mowing will be carried out along the rows to ensure that the plants establish themselves and grow healthily.", he claims Alessio Brandolese, forestry doctor of WOWnature.

Bosco del Quarelo planting program

The program for the morning of November 23rd includes a meeting at 11.00:12.30 at the Bosco del Quarelo entrance and parking area (Via Ponte del Quarelo, Vicenza), with an introduction to the project and institutional greetings, followed by the planting of new trees with WOWnature forestry experts. At the end of the event, from 13.00:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX pm, it will be possible to participate in an educational walk, in collaboration with WWF Vicenza – Padova, to discover the Bosco del Quarelo, having the perception of how the newly planted trees, which expand the existing forest, will become in about 15 years.

The new green lungs of Vicenza will host over 20 different species of native trees and shrubs typical of our Po Valley, including: oak, hornbeam, ash, elm, maple, with particular attention to the selection of honey-producing species, to safeguard bees and other pollinating insects such as lime, hawthorn, blackthorn, dogwood and hazelnut.

The creation of the new green lung is entrusted to WOWnature, an initiative of Etifor, a Benefit Company and spin-off of the University of Padua.

To actively participate in the event, simply confirm your presence by filling out the online registration form bit.ly/BoscoQuarelo and bring with you the desire to spend a day outdoors, gloves and suitable footwear.

Entertainment for the little ones and gadgets for all participants will be offered by Alì Supermarkets.

The project

The creation of the two new Woods will bring concrete benefits to the lives of the people of Vicenza. The trees, as they grow, will absorb CO2, mitigating climate change, and will improve air quality by retaining air pollutants such as PM10 and PM2.5. During the summer season, they will become a shade area and through the process of transpiration will help reduce local temperatures and the negative effects caused by heat waves. In addition, the new trees will improve water infiltration into the soil and act as a barrier to reduce noise pollution generated by traffic on adjacent roads.

The selected tree species will recreate an environment that will favor the increase of biodiversity, that is, the variety of flora and fauna. The trees will provide shelter and food for wildlife and insects, including pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Restoring this natural habitat will also help rebuild the local ecosystem, promoting biological diversity that is essential for environmental resilience.

Vicenza: 3000 alberi per due nuovi polmoni verdi al Bosco del Quarelo

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