Verona. Schools from the city and the province sing Puccini’s Turandot on Thursday, May 2 at the Teatro Filarmonico.

On Thursday 2 May at the Teatro Filarmonico over 600 children, boys and girls will perform Puccini's Turandot, as part of the Scuola InCanto project by the Municipality of Verona in collaboration with the Fondazione Arena.

Verona. Schools from the city and the province sing Puccini’s Turandot on Thursday, May 2 at the Teatro Filarmonico.

On Thursday 2 May at the Philharmonic Theater over 600 boys and girls will bring Puccini's Turandot to the stage, in the Scuola InCanto project of the Municipality of Verona in collaboration with the Arena Foundation.

Is it possible to learn to know, sing and love opera at school?
Teachers and young students from nursery, primary and lower secondary schools in Verona, the Province and surrounding areas have tried to answer this question through the Scuola InCanto project organised by the Municipality of Verona in collaboration with the Arena Foundation.
The teaching method, already tested in numerous Italian cities and proposed for the first year in Verona, has the aim of introducing and exciting the little ones to opera, the most complete art form that combines theatre, dance, music and literature, recognized by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity.

This year the protagonist of the Scuola InCanto project was the unfinished masterpiece of the genius from Lucca who in a month will open the 101st edition of the Opera Festival in the Arena.
The course began in October 2023 with the training of teachers through singing and music education meetings to introduce them to the plot, metrics and melody of the opera.
The Europa InCanto trainers then held workshops in the classes of Veronese schools, accompanying the memorization and perfecting the performance of the pieces of the opera, revealing its secrets and curiosities. To facilitate the project, teachers and students had access to a book and an app that supported them in the different learning phases.

But, as with the great stars, it is the staging that crowns a long work of study and commitment.
On Thursday 2 May, with two shows which will be held at 10.30 and 12.30, more than 600 girls and boys will take the stage of the Philharmonic Theater for the first time and they will propose to the audience the performance of a special version of Turandot, with special choreography and costumes created by them, taking on the role of the people of Beijing.

Fairytale China, the three enigmas, an ice princess, love and courage: these are the ingredients of Turandot, Puccini's masterpiece which blows out its hundred candles this year. The cast of young opera singers will be directed by the Concertmaster and Conductor Germano Negri, leading the Europa InCanto Orchestra. Francesca Paoletti will take on the title role, while the young lover Calaf will be the tenor SeJoon An. The sweet Liù will be Cecilia Taliano Grasso, while Timur will have the voice of Luca Sozio. The ministers Ping, Pong and Pang will be played respectively by Gianluca Failla, Francesco Cuccia and Paolo Mascari. The cast is completed by Giovanni Adbbadessa's Emperor and Francesco Nuzzi who will lead the narration. The direction of the show is entrusted to Germano Neri, with the Stage Director Sofia Neri, the assistant director Angelica Azzellini and Teresa Gasperi Head of Tailoring.
Tickets for the shows are still available, to be purchased by sending an email to or directly at the Philharmonic ticket office on the day of the show.

Girls and boys will be able to live a full-scale experience, taking part in the show in all its phases, as well as in the creation of the program of the operas that make Verona the international heart of opera every summer: musical preparation, direction, creation of the scenography and costumes, up to the staging on the largest stage under the stars in the world.

This year almost 50.000 students from all over Italy have used this method to learn opera; the hope of the Administration, at the end of this first year, is to grow the project and bring together girls and boys from all over Italy in the Arena, united in the name of great music that travels through time and space.

Verona. Le scuole della città e della provincia cantano Turandot di Puccini giovedì 2 maggio al Teatro Filarmonico.

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