
Verona, “Chievo is back”: an evening event to celebrate the new ChievoVerona

On July 20th there will be a double event to celebrate its history and its rebirth, after the acquisition of the brand by the Public Company, led by Sergio Pellissier. An evening event with all the old glories of the team, who will take to the field for the match at 17:00 pm at the Payanini Center. The second event will be at 20:30 pm at the Parco Ottocento with a convivial dinner and you can take photos and sign autographs with the stars of ChievoVerona,

Verona, “Chievo is back”: an evening event to celebrate the new ChievoVerona

“Chievo is back!”, the old glories of the Chievo fairytale on the pitch. double event on July 20th, at 17pm the match at the Payanini Center and 20.30pm the evening event at Parco Ottocento.

In Verona, Saturday 20 July from 16: 30 (gates open at 16pm), at the Payanini Center (via S. Marco 114) the Old Glories of the Chievo fairytale return to the field!

A match that is already legendary: a new date to remember, after the "historic" May 10th, day on which the former FC Clivense, football project founded by Sergio Pellissier and Enzo Zanin in 2021, and currently playing in Serie D, si the acquisition of the ChievoVerona name and brands has been awarded, becoming fully the new AC ChievoVerona, with a community of 800 members.

A festive afternoon, a public event open to fans, members, enthusiasts to reconnect the threads of a football history that made Verona great in the world and that, today, intends to revive, with renewed passion, in the AC ChievoVerona project who strongly wanted to organize and promote the initiative open to the whole city (and beyond!).

The event was presented yesterday morning in the press conference chaired by the mayor of Verona, Damiano Tommasi, in the Tapestry Hall of the Municipality of Verona and with the interventions of the founders of the new AC ChievoVerona (formerly FC Clivense), the president Sergio Pellissier, of Giovanni Moraglia, CTO of Phoenix Capital, coordinator and main sponsor of AC ChievoVerona and of the event and of Emanuele Germiniasi, director of the Aias Workshop Cooperative who shared the initiative through the availability of the staff of the social tavern Il Mangiabottoni who will accompany the champions on the pitch. Also present the main sponsors and partners of the event: Fabrizio Colombo Giardinelli, CEO Vitanuova; Nicolas Filippi, owner of Filippi Controsoffittature. Thanks to: Givova, technical partner and Avelia, Media partner.

The amarcord match, champions and coaches of the Chievo of miracles – On the green rectangle of the Payanini Centerand will challenge the former footballers who wrote the ChievoVerona epic: il fstarting time of the Amarcord match It will be at 17pm.

Thirty former champions will be present in Verona to represent thirty years of ChievoVerona: from Valter Birsa to Marco Andreolli, Fabio Firmani, Emanuele Giaccherini, Mariano Izco, Stefano Garzon, Nicola Legrottaglie, Fabio Moro, Davide Moscardelli, Simone Pepe, Nicolas Spolli, Simone Tiribocchi, Ciro De Cesare, Simone Bentivoglio, Walter Bressan, Nicolas Frey , Alessandro Gamberini, Luciano, Davide Mandelli, Michele Marcolini, Massimo Marazzina, Santiago Morero, Sergio Pellissier, Stefano Sorrentino, Marco Zamboni, Bojan Jokic, Federico Giunti, Andrea Mantovani, Christian Puggioni. While new confirmations are awaited.
There will be no shortage of great coaches, the creators of the Chievo miracles: from (Mimmo) Di Carlo to (Bepi) Pillon, to the legendary Gigi Del Neri.

 Thanks to the collaboration with AIAS (Italian Association of Spastic Assistance) Verona section, to accompany the former champions of ChievoVerona on the field they will be the girls and boys who work as staff in the tavern social Mangiabottoni of Verona, a project born in 2018 and which combines the best of Veronese, Venetian and Italian cuisine with the great value of a social soul. To unite the AC ChievoVerona project and the Mangiabottoni, the friendship that has developed over the years, yesterday as FC Clivense and, today, as AC ChievoVerona, and the sharing of the commitment – at the foundation of the same industrial plan as Pellissier and Zanin's football project - for true social inclusion of people with disabilities. Even in the world of football.

After the match and the space dedicated to fans for photos and autographs with the stars of ChievoVerona, the evening will continue at Parco Ottocento (Via Boscomantico, 9), with the convivial dinner at 20.30 and a time to update those present on the next steps of AC ChievoVerona, is is preparing to face the next 2024/2025 season.

To close, the extraction of the match shirts celebrations of the event.
Both events, match and evening, are paid, upon registration on eventbrite platform on the dedicated page: chievoverona.eventbrite.it
Black the complete ticket (game and dinner) gives the right to participate in the drawing of the celebratory shirts.

Damiano Tommasi, Mayor of Verona:
“With respect to this project, I believe it is right to thank what Chievo Verona, with Luca Campedelli, and this brand have represented for many years for the city, reaching goals and moving a truly exceptional number of people for a reality like Chievo - said the mayor Damiano Tommasi-. My personal hope is that this fairy tale can also be recomposed for the good of the city, recognizing the work done by a company that promoted those values ​​that Sergio Pellissier now wants to bring back into play."

Sergio Pellissier, president of AC ChievoVerona:
“We strongly wanted this event to celebrate, together with our fans, members, but also with the whole city, the acquisition of the ChievoVerona brand and the continuity of our project. Being able to announce and present it in the institutional headquarters of the Municipality of Verona is an honor for us, and for this we thank the administration and the mayor Damiano Tommasi. Seeing the players who have made the history of this brand back on the field, together, is a great joy. A new goal, after the one on May 10th. I want to thank all the “colleagues” for their availability, even those who will not be able to be in Verona but who said they were sorry. It will truly be a beautiful celebration”.

Enzo Zanin, vice-president of AC ChievoVerona:
"It will be an afternoon that we will remember for a long time. We will embrace, together with our fans, the history of the beloved team. I believe there is, rightly, a pinch of pride in having built this opportunity for all those who have been close to us in these years since the foundation of the former FC Clivense, now AC ChievoVerona. It will be an opportunity to celebrate the acquisition of a brand, of a name that has made and will make many athletes happy".

Giovanni Moraglia, CTO of Phoenix Capital, event coordinator. And main sponsor.
"Between saying and doing, there is doing. This is the approach that we have always pursued as a management consulting firm. We did it last May 10, firmly supporting, together with the other main sponsors present here, all the members and fans, the great step of the ChievoVerona brand. We are doing it today, supporting with our own skills, this public event for the whole city. We were there when Clivense was founded, designing its industrial and business plan, as well as the two crowdfunding campaigns that consolidated the community of members, today we are alongside AC ChievoVerona, strengthening day after day a partnership that looks to great goals. Together”.

Fabrizio Colombo Giardinelli, CEO Vitanuova.
“Being close to ChievoVerona is contagious. At this moment the mind can only go back to May 10th. In commenting on that historic milestone, we wrote that Clivense and its 800 members had supported a great Captain who made the history of the glorious past of this team. Today, that past becomes present with the former champions on the field next July 20th. And if Chievo belongs to the people of Chievo, so its history belongs to these players who with great willingness return to the field, making all of us protagonists of that fairy tale. Around the “flag” Pellissier who called them together with Enzo Zanin. And history becomes a vision for the future, a lever to continue working with humility towards growth. One step at a time with the goal of returning among the greats”.

Nicolas Filippi, owner of Filippi Countertops
“Thanks to Mayor Damiano Tommasi, thanks to Sergio Pellissier and Enzo Zanin and all the other sponsors for their commitment to bringing the brand back to all the fans. We have been close to Clivense since the beginning, we are, always at AC ChievoVerona”.

AC ChievoVerona, profile - With the acquisition of the ChievoVerona name and brands, which took place on 10 May 2024, the Football Club Clivense, founded by Sergio Pellissier and Enzo Zanin on 13 August 2021, becomes the new AC ChievoVerona in its own right, taking up the historic brand and continuing, with the Clivensi club colors white and blue, his football project militant in Serie D.

Started in 2021 in the third category, of 2021/2022 season the Club's first team had won three titles: Championship and Category Cups. May 2023, the podium of Excellence, hence the promotion in Serie D where he debuted in the 2023/2024 season in a Group B, finishing the championship in eighth place.

The only Italian football team with fans, FC Clivense yesterday and AC ChievoVerona today, opened its own capital to 800 members with two equity crowdfunding campaigns which together came close to raising one million euros. A participatory and inclusive football model; a transparent, sustainable society, centered on the all-round fan who is inspired by the modern business model of the top clubs of the English Premier League and the Spanish La Liga.

Verona, "Chievo is back ": una serata evento per celebrare il nuovo ChievoVerona

Verona, "Chievo is back ": una serata evento per celebrare il nuovo ChievoVerona

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