
Venice, VeneTo Stars 2025 kicks off: space and Blu Economy protagonists of innovation

The VeneTo Stars 2025 project, announced by President Zaia, will involve young European innovators in a challenge on space technologies and the sea economy, consolidating the role of Veneto as a strategic hub for aerospace.

Venice, VeneTo Stars 2025 kicks off: space and Blu Economy protagonists of innovation.

"After the success of the previous editions, we are about to launch the new adventure branded VeneTo Stars, which celebrates the union between Space and the Blue Economy, to underline the strategic importance of the sea and space technologies for the economic future of the Region. Space represents, in fact, a rapidly expanding sector and our challenge is confirmed to link this area to young European innovators thanks to the regional challenge, which raises awareness and involves the new generations on the importance of space as a driver of economic and social growth, particularly in emerging sectors such as the Blue Economy. Thanks to the involvement of over 150 girls and boys from 10 European nations in the previous editions, the project continues to demonstrate interest: this year too we will have the institutional support of prestigious partners such as the European Space Agency, the Italian Space Agency and Copernicus. At a regional level, we will also collaborate with the RIR AIR and the main Veneto universities, confirming the role of Veneto as a strategic hub for aerospace".

With these words, The President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, announces the 2025 edition of the three-year VeneToStars project (www.venetostars.com), confirming the regional administration's commitment to innovation and technological development related to the aerospace sector.

"With VeneToStars 2025, the Veneto Region reaffirms its vocation for innovation and presents itself as a virtuous example of integration between technology, environment and culture, laying the foundations for an increasingly sustainable and competitive future. – continues the Governor -. Tomorrow, with the opening of the third edition of the challenge aimed at girls and boys between 18 and 25 years old, we want to underline the crucial role of Veneto as a center of excellence for research, design, implementation and dissemination of innovative solutions based on the use of data and technologies derived from space. Participants will be able to propose their ideas from February 13 to April 15, 2025".

"The collaboration with internationally renowned universities, cutting-edge research centres and a lively industrial fabric is renewed, making the Region a fertile ground for dialogue between space and the sea economy. - concludes the President -. Venice, among other things, is the symbol of Italian maritime commercial history and is at the center of this vision, combining tradition and technology by also hosting the annual appointment with Space Meetings Veneto, scheduled for May 20-22, 2025".

Venezia, al via VeneTo Stars 2025: spazio e Blu Economy protagonisti dell’innovazione

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