Varese: Second Stage of the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development

President Fontana and Councilor Maione: great opportunity, focus on science and research. Councilor Caruso: essential to combine circular economy, innovation and competitiveness of companies.

Varese: Second Stage of the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development

Sustainability and circular economy are priorities for the Lombardy Region which, to further accelerate the issue, has also organised this year the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development to bring the territory to confront itself at a local and global level. After Brescia, on September 20th it was the turn of Varese, the governor took part in the works, Attilio Fontana, the Councillor for Environment and Climate, Giorgio Maione and that to Culture, Frances Caruso.

PRESIDENT FONTANA: WE ARE FACING A GREAT OPPORTUNITY – “We look at this sector with such and such attention – he said Fontana – that we wanted to add the adjective 'sustainable' to our Regional Development Plan. It is clear that such an objective can only be achieved with the maximum sharing of all the actors involved. Therefore, moments like these are very welcome, which allow the greatest experts in the sector to sit at the same table, who, even today, have confirmed that they consider sustainability a great opportunity”.

Varese: seconda tappa del Forum regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile

COUNCILLOR MAIONE: VARESE IT'S CENTRAL – “Innovation and research – said the Lombardy regional councillor for the Environment and Climate on the morning of 20 September at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Varese, Giorgio Maione, at the opening of the second stage of the Forum – are the keys to continuing to grow economically and to do so in a sustainable way. The territory of Varese is central because it has an academic network and a business innovation that are a European reference. This means having a great responsibility because it requires the Varese system to always be performing and anticipate the future. A comparison like today's helps the Region to calibrate the environmental policies of the present and the future".

Varese: seconda tappa del Forum regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile

COUNCILLOR CARUSO: IMPORTANT MOMENT TO TELL WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE TERRITORY AND TO FACE FUTURE CHALLENGES – “An event of this kind – underlined the Councillor for Culture, Frances Caruso – is essential to tell what is happening in our territory and to face future challenges. Regarding the relationship between culture and innovation, the results of the InnovaCultura call were recently approved, which made 6 million euros available to SMEs in the cultural and creative sector for the development of new projects. In the province of Varese, 6 projects will be funded. I am convinced that a territory like this can foster the meeting between the search for a full circular economy and a prompt response to innovation and business competitiveness”.

The theme of resources, and therefore of material, during the Varese stage he met that of knowledge, behaviors and interaction between people, that is, the culture. On the one hand there is the transformation of production processes with the aim of making almost disappear the concept of waste, and find a place for every scrap as raw material for another process. On the other hand, the contribution indispensable for science and research to make this transformation possible.

Varese: seconda tappa del Forum regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile

“Our territory is rich in excellence in the field of research and for this reason I believe the theme 'science and research' is appropriate – declared the vice-president of the Regional Council Giacomo Cosentino – for example, Lake Varese was one of the most polluted lakes in Europe and has become the most monitored basin on a continental level, thanks to a particularly developed monitoring and research system and approximately 20 million euros of regional investments. Respect for the environment must necessarily be harmonized with the presence of man, therefore taking into account the needs of the economy and work, at a local and national level”.

The meeting was organized by the Lombardy Region together with the Varese Chamber of Commerce, the University of Insubria – which is part of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development – ​​and the Lombardy sections of Confindustria, Confcommercio and Cisl, with the support of the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment.

Varese: seconda tappa del Forum regionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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