Trieste: the project “This is not a bus” and the show “Malanova” are underway to raise awareness among young people
The Municipality of Trieste presents a unique educational initiative with an immersive bus-lab in Piazza Verdi and a theater show for schools, dedicated to prevention and awareness on issues such as violence, legality and youth distress.
Trieste: the project “This is not a bus” and the show “Malanova” are underway to raise awareness among young people.
Yesterday morning, November 18, in the Bobi Bazlen Hall of Gopcevich Palace, in the presence of the Councilor for Social Policies, Massimo Tognolli, the Councilor for City Security Policies, Caterina de Gavardo, the Councilor for Education and Family Policies, Maurizio De Blasio, the Head of Social Services and Policies, Annalisa Castellano, some representatives of the Local Police, of the bodies involved in the project and of Ture Magro, actor and screenwriter, founder and artistic director of "Sciara Progetti" connected remotely, the press conference was held to present the first edition of the tour “THIS IS NOT A BUS” and the theatrical show “MALANOVA”, organized by Sciara Progetti Teatro APS – ETS
"Our press conferences represent a way of dialogue between institutions, press organs and people, some are a little more heartfelt than others and this is one of them, because it addresses an audience and a theme that is particularly close to our hearts, that of young people. Young people are our future and must not be confused with the theme of youth distress, because young people are above all something else, many beautiful things“, he began Massimo Tognolli.
"I would like to thank all those who contributed to the realization of the two events scheduled. - has continued Massimo Tognolli -. The first concerns the arrival this afternoon (November 18) in Piazza Verdi of an immersive bus-workshop, the second the show of November 21, “Malanova”, dedicated to secondary school students, aimed at countering discomfort and violence, in all its declinations.".
"I thank the Department of Social Policies, the Department for Security and the Department of Education and Family Policies, all three of them here with me today for the presentation of this project. Finally, I thank Sciara Progetti Teatro APS – ETS, the beating heart of this wonderful proposal“, he concluded Massimo Tognolli.
"THEThe Local Police has always been at the service of the citizens and will be so also within this project. I would like to thank the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, always very present on these issues and thanks to its contributions, many initiatives of the Local Police, and also of other entities, can be realized"He said the councilor for security policies, Caterina de Gavardo.
"The Local Police is an active part of these times and this project is born from a necessary, profitable collaboration between different bodies, where each one follows its own dynamics that concern the kids, from many points of view. - has continued Councilor Caterina de Gavardo -. The show on Thursday 21 November is the highlight but it is not the only moment, there will also be the presence of the bus in Piazza Verdi, a very important meeting activity with the kids. This will be an opportunity for the Local Police to meet the citizens and to discuss those issues that concern the kids and youth distress, but focused on legality, regulations and also on the responsibility that the kids can have in some particularly difficult situations. An important meeting moment between the kids and the operators of the Local Police and that will allow the kids to understand that the Police Forces must be trusted and relied upon".
The Councillor for Education and Family Policies, Maurizio De Blasio thanked the councilor Massimo Tognolli and the commissioner Caterina de Gavardo for the great teamwork that made this project possible.
"Education aims to form citizens, each with their own ideas, but in this process, young people must be accompanied, they cannot be left alone. The topic of the project is extremely important, especially at this time, and it is necessary to reach young people also with non-traditional communication methods. When I dealt with security, I always mentioned three indispensable moments, education-training, prevention and contrast, but if one of these moments is missing, there is a risk that the others become useless“, he concluded Maurizio De Blasio.
The head of Social Services and Policies, Annalisa Castellano, underlined the participation of many organizations, the initiative is in fact promoted by the Prevention and Protection of Minors (PTM) group to which the organizations that signed the Memorandum of Understanding "Prevention and awareness for the protection of minors" belong.“: Municipality of Trieste – Department of Local Police, Security and Civil Protection, Department of Social Services and Policies – Family Center; Julian Carso Area (Municipalities of Muggia, Duino Aurisina, San Dorligo della Valle, Sgonico and Monrupino); Local Police of the Municipalities of Muggia, Duino Aurisina and San Dorligo della Valle”.
The aforementioned Protocol also includes an Interinstitutional Coordination Table in which the Giuliano Isontina University Health Authority, the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, the Department of Juvenile and Community Justice – USSM Trieste, the MI Ministry of Education and Merit – Regional School Office for FVG participate.
Furthermore, The Youth and Equal Opportunities Office of the Department of School, Education, Tourism, Cultural and Sports Promotion of the Municipality of Trieste is participating in the event, which promotes the culture of respect and the fight against any form of violence and discrimination through the activities of the Institution and equal opportunity policies.
The objectives of the project they are to inform, raise awareness and educate the youth population on the culture of legality, to contrast and prevent phenomena of discomfort and deviant behavior as well as educate and promote the conscious use of social media; raise awareness and carry out prevention activities on the risk of violence against women and minors, inform and carry out prevention work on criminal phenomena with particular regard to scams and fraud in general and computer scams.
The project is conceived and coordinated from the theatre company Sciara Progetti, recognized for excellence in non-formal education and accredited by the Ministry of Education for creativity themes, the project aims to involve schools and communities from 18 to 21 November 2024 with a rich calendar of activities.
The in-person activities were preceded by two live streamings on the topic of addictions, hardship and violence, namely, two online meetings, aimed at all students of all upper classes in the city, from first to fifth.
The classes connected via a link iin a YouTube live broadcast from the Sciara Progetti Teatro channel.
Actor and author Ture Magro conducted interviews with several guests, witnesses and experts on the topic under consideration, alternating the interventions with moments of interaction with the connected students and with in-depth videos.
The project will end with the dissemination of a manual to support teaching containing work methodologies, video and text tutorials, materials used during the project that can be used independently by teachers in the following years to be distributed to all schools in the city.
Heart of the initiative will be the arrival of the double-decker bus, transformed into an immersive laboratory that, on tour through many municipalities in Italy, will offer days of free cultural entertainment for students. The bus will stop for 3 days in Piazza Verdi, on board which immersive workshops will be held.
A travelling container of experiences, the bus, set up with areas dedicated to theatre, workshops and video projections, is inspired by Magritte's famous paradox, “This is not a pipe”: although it looks like a bus, it turns out to be a real immersive laboratory.
This space, in addition to offering performances and screenings, becomes a meeting and discussion point thanks to the presence of experts, artists and social workers. The aim is to go beyond the boundaries of the medium itself, bringing relevant social issues, such as gender violence, beyond the physical vehicle, to spread awareness, shared responsibility and a strong sense of engaged community.
Theatrical Performance MALANOVA, November 21st at 10.30 am at Rossetti - Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, theatre as a tool for communication and reflection.
What is a Malanova? It's bad news. Something you wish you hadn't known. Who is Malanova? A little girl. Her story is told to us by a young man, Salvatore, who remembers having loved her, having desired her and having found her again in a story of shocking violence. Salvatore walks through squares and narrow alleys, listens to women talk about weddings, baptisms and funerals, takes part in the usual celebrations and rites, and questions himself about the things he has seen and heard, about respect, about honor. Salvatore will share in that more subtle, subtle, underground abuse that passes through everyone's gestures, that moves through a word that poorly nourishes an embodied mentality, almost impossible to separate.
Malanova is the attempt made by two playwrights, a man and a woman, who have decided never to hide their own fragility. Malanova, a raw and unspeakable story, but edifying like all complete stories and not purely celebratory or provocative, it was made public in its news details in the novel of the same name written by the journalist Cristina Zagaria and Anna Maria Scarfò, published by Sperling & Kupfer.
“THIS IS NOT A BUS” and “MALANOVA” are part of a series of national initiatives promoted by Sciara Progetti Teatro, which with its bus since 2022 has already met tens of thousands of students throughout Italy, committing to spreading awareness and responsibility through a series of targeted activities on issues such as violence, legality, bullying and more. During 2023, after the first Tour in the Piacenza Valleys, the bus was the protagonist of a trip dedicated to the Itineraries of Legality, a project by Sciara Progetti promoted by the Ministry of Education and Merit and financed through the Scuola+ call, touching 6 different Italian regions to promote the culture of legality, social responsibility and civil commitment in the new generations.
During the second edition of the tour in the Piacenza Valleys, the bus will stop in Trieste.
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