Trieste: from 5 to 13 October at Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio-Porto Vivo three exhibitions dedicated to the sea, travel and discovery
The three exhibitions, which can be visited with free admission, are: "ShipyArt - The art of the shipyard", "Sguardi capovolti" and "Album Barcolana"
Trieste: from 5 to 13 October at Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio-Porto Vivo three exhibitions dedicated to the sea, travel and discovery
From the 5 13 October at the Sbisà Hall of the Warehouse 26 in Porto Vecchio-Porto Vivo, within the events organized on the occasion of “Barcolana56“, are set up three exhibitions, which will offer the public fascinating perspectives on related topics to the sea, to travel and to discover oneself and others. A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in visual worlds of great emotional and artistic impact.
The first exhibition, "ShipyArt – The Art of the Shipyard“, curated by Navalimpianti Spa – Navim Group, explores the unusual and spontaneous beauty that emerges from shipyards. Through photographs and installations, the exhibition transforms these workspaces into places of creativity and art. The traveling project brings to light new and fascinating details, showing how even in technical and often inaccessible environments a form of aesthetic expression can flourish.
"Upside down looks“, curated by Doctors with Africa Cuamm, instead tells a story intimate and universal journey, made of discovery and change. Through touching images, the exhibition explores the theme of the encounter between cultures and the ability to create new bonds even in distant and unknown contexts. The protagonists, in this case, are the children, capable of overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers thanks to the power of a smile and the universality of play. A photographic story that highlights how similar we are, despite our differences, and how close we are despite the distances.
In the end, "Barcolana Album” celebrates the historic sailing regatta through a collection of photographs taken by the members of the Circolo Fotografico Triestino. The exhibition highlights the most iconic moments of the Barcolana: the competitions at sea, the enthusiasm of the public on the Rive, and the lively backdrop of the event. Each shot tells a story, seeking the essence of the regatta and removing the superfluous, to leave room for the pure emotion of the moment.
The three exhibitions, at free entry, will be open to visitors until October 13th at the following times: Monday to Wednesday 9am-16.30pm, Thursday and Friday 9am-18.30pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am to 18.30pm.
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