Trieste. First Edition of the Salon of Architectural Beauty: the exhibition will be visible until May 5th.

The first edition of the Salon of Architectural Beauty will be inaugurated on the afternoon of April 23rd at Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio - Porto Vivo, which is part of the broader project for the rebirth of the artist.

Trieste. First Edition of the Salon of Architectural Beauty: the exhibition will be visible until May 5th.

The first edition of the Salon of Architectural Beauty will be inaugurated on the afternoon of April 23rd at Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio - Porto Vivo, which is part of the broader project for the rebirth of the artist.

The exhibition created in co-organization with the Municipality of Trieste it will be open to visitors in the Arturo Nathan Room of Magazzino 26 from 24 April to 5 May with the following opening hours: from 10am to 19pm.

The local device of the Donner des ailes association of Paris proposes to the city of Trieste the first edition of the Salon of Architectural Beauty.

This event was born from the desire to bring together those involved in culture and heritage in order to restore the dialogue relating to the architectural beauty of Trieste and in particular to ornamentation.

“Restoring the dialogue” means redefining the structure of the “art industry” present between the 19th and early 20th centuries in order to jointly establish a cultural association committed to study, research, methods of transmission and operational embellishment proposals dedicated to Trieste and its region.

The exhibition, included in the broader project "The rebirth of the artist", already started in recent weeks and which will last until September – aims to bring together the actors of culture and heritage around the theme of aesthetics in construction and the distribution of elements of beauty on an architectural work.

The event will include the exhibition of archives made available, among others, by the Technical Archive of Drawings and the Civic Library of the Municipality of Trieste, architectural elevations, photos, and works created by artisans of different professions, accompanied by live demonstrations of their art in special spaces created ad hoc.

The day of April 24, 2024 will be dedicated to some conferences with important speakers and two days will be dedicated to a mosaic course organized by the Building School of Trieste; ample space also for information with the presence of four dedicated points and an entire area of ​​the exhibition will be set up to welcome a young school audience.

For information and registration: 

Trieste. Prima Edizione del Salone della Bellezza Architettonica: la mostra sarà visibile fino al 5 maggio.

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