Trieste celebrates Petrarca and Saba: November events for the 650th anniversary of the poet's death
Trieste celebrates the 650th anniversary of Petrarca's death with guided tours and literary itineraries dedicated to Umberto Saba, with a focus on his passion for poetry and Petrarca's influence on his work.
Trieste celebrates Petrarca and Saba: November events for the 650th anniversary of the poet's death.
There are numerous events in November that are part of to the project “For a Petrarchan anniversary (1374-2024)”, created with the contribution of the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Trieste is also celebrating the 650th anniversary of the death of Francesco Petrarca – after whom the literary museum is named, which houses the second largest collection of Petrarca's incunabula and manuscripts in the world – and the century since the naming of the “Libreria Antiquaria Umberto Saba”, a poetry workshop and antiques shop recently returned to the city after a long-awaited restoration.
Every Wednesday at 16 pm and on Saturday at 11 am Alessandra Sirugo will hold a guided tour of the exhibition “…I am almost ready to become a bibliophile myself. Umberto Saba and the work of Francesco Petrarca” set up in the Museo Petrarchesco Piccolomini, on the third floor of the Attilio Hortis Civic Library in via Madonna del mare 13. The exhibition is free to enter, while the guided tour is subject to a fee (full ticket 4,50 euros, reduced 2,50 euros).
The exhibition itinerary delves into Saba's activity as a poet, with a section dedicated to the influence of Petrarch's poetry on the young Saba and three sections dedicated to the tools of the trade to which he dedicates himself and is passionate after the purchase of the bookshop in via San Nicolò 30, to the collaboration with Virgilio Giotti who also transformed the bookshop into a publishing house and the relationship that linked the Antiquarian Bookshop to the Civic Library of Trieste, who buys manuscripts and printed books from the poet, which are exhibited in the museum on the occasion of the exhibition.
It is instead scheduled for Saturday 16 November at 15.30 pm – with the meeting point in Piazza Hortis 4 in front of the LETS Museum – the third and final appointment with the literary itinerary dedicated to Domenico Rossetti and Umberto Saba. Alessandra Sirugo, director of the Museo Petrarchesco Piccolomineo, and Cristina Fenu, co-curator of the Museo LETS – Letteratura Trieste, propose a walk in the city to the places dear to Rossetti, the lawyer and collector of Petrarchan works from Trieste, and to the poet-bookseller Umberto Saba, a walk that will end at the statue of Rossetti, at the beginning of Via Giulia. The itinerary will be told in Italian and in sign language, with the participation of an interpreter in LIS.
To participate in the walk, reservations are required by email to Information at 040 6758184 or on the dedicated website:
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