
Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, from 14th to 20th October

UMAN is bringing to the surface what it feels like to be human; a cultural stronghold for those themes that our generation feels are its own.

Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, from 14th to 20th October

A week of festivals: a photographic exhibition, ten conferences, a theatre workshop, a theatre show and a film club; lastly the U.MAN library.

From the 14 20 October, returns to Trento, with its VII edition, UMAN Festival, the humanistic festival of UNITiN APS entirely organized by students of the University of Trento. This year in collaboration with the university association Tridentum Debating Society and with the precious extra-provincial participation of the TeatroRes9 company from Viareggio, winner in 2023 in Trento of three awards at the IN_visibile festival.

Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, dal 14 al 20 ottobre

Among the supporters of UMAN Festival are the University of Trento, Opera Universitaria, Fondazione CARITRO, the Trentino Alto Adige region and the municipality of Trento. Moreover, it is awarded the high patronage of the European Parliament.
Among the collaborations, the university association ForeseeAI, the CaneCavem foundation and the Biella ONLUS, PAVIOL, which deals with anti-violence paths, deserve a special mention.

In recent years, UMAN has increasingly taken on a form and an identity image of university festival that went beyond the conference format alone, alternating different formats. This year, all united by a general theme: the choices. The choices because we tried to ask ourselves how a path was composed, how the combinations of each moment influence most of the actions and how all this is crucial for the identity of every human being, in a historical period in which perhaps all generations are in crisis.

Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, dal 14 al 20 ottobre

The answers are multiple and not univocal., but it is from here that we started to build each event, bringing to the center of our discussions themes such as, il climate change, art and science, eating disorders, fear of growing up and uncertainties, deconstruction of racism, identity crises and linguistic stereotypes, canine re-education, technological progress and gender violence.

To close the festival, one day, Sunday, in bOOkique with the U.MAN library: a human library that will alternate different talks and storytelling on themes of choices, alternated with different activities such as board games and a blind date with books; all this offering space to different associations with a banquet.

Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, dal 14 al 20 ottobre

UMAN 2024 will take voice thanks to its audience and through the words of guests such as the climatologist Frank Raes, the nutritional biologist Moon Pagnin, the writer, jurist and activist Nogaye Ndiaye, the actors of RES9 Theater, the author of books and podcasts Mauro Pescio, the professors of the University of Trento Fabiana Rose e Barbara Treccani, Mirko Zuccari e Federica Faiella of the Cave Canem Foundation, the psychotherapist Simona Ramella Paia.

While during the whole week, the exhibition “Ubiquitos Anomaly”By Fabio Cian, which tells Climate change in the world in 37 shots.

Trento: UMAN Festival 2024, dal 14 al 20 ottobre

The seventh edition of this Festival will fill the university classrooms and the city of Trento, starting from the Central University Library, up to the bOOkique, which has always been a point of reference for the university community.

Scope? Put yourself to the test, questioning oneself, inviting dialogue, making information, whether cultural or informative, accessible and usable not only through frontal conferences.

Ambitious, if it is done by a group of university students and volunteers which wants to enrich its city and its University, uniting culture, art and journalism, relying on local institutions and opening up to citizens.

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