Trento: Call for proposals “Trento European Capital of Volunteering 2024”, active citizenship and volunteering
The Board has approved a Call for volunteer projects consistent with the strategic lines of “Trento European Capital of Volunteering 2024”, with application deadline 28 October.
Projects falling within one of the following thematic areas are eligible for funding:
a) training and development of volunteers' skills: improve the skills and knowledge of volunteers, so that they can operate more effectively within organizations and address emerging challenges with professionalism and awareness. These initiatives can concern different areas and methodologies, depending on the specific needs of the proponents in relation to their own purposes;
b) awareness raising and volunteer recruitment: promote and create diversified and multi-channel campaigns to attract new volunteers and grow a culture of volunteering in the community, as a positive, accessible, motivating and sustainable activity for a wide range of people;
c) promotion of active citizenship: strengthen the social fabric and encourage citizens to be an active part of their community and to actively engage in voluntary actions for the common good, develop and strengthen the intergenerational relationship for the relational transmission of knowledge;
d) social cohesion: strengthen community ties and promote a sense of belonging through the activation of volunteer initiatives aimed at responding to the concrete needs of people in vulnerable conditions (elderly, disabled, young people or families in difficulty), with a focus on lifelong learning and the development of digital skills.
Voluntary organizations (Odv) and social promotion associations (Aps), registered in the National Single Register of the Third Sector, can participate in the call.; the financial resources allocated by the Municipal Administration amount to 75 thousand euros: the amount of the contribution assigned to each approved project cannot exceed the maximum limit of 15 thousand euros, nor exceed 80% of the expenses admitted for the realization of the project.
The proposing entity shall bear the remaining share of the overall approved cost (co-financing), equal to at least 20% of the expenses. To participate in the procedure referred to in this Notice, it is necessary to send, under penalty of exclusion: the application for contribution (Annex A), drawn up on stamped paper and signed by the legal representative of the proposing entity, via certified email to the address no later than 28 October at 12:XNUMX, specifying the following subject: selection for volunteering announcement.
Questions indicating in the subject "Request for clarification of the volunteering announcement", sending a specific email to the following address:
Requests for clarification and the related responses will be published on the website of the Municipality of Trento, in the dedicated section , here
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