
Trento: European Mobility Week with “Trento in bici”, last days to register

European Mobility Week with “Trento in bici”

Trento: European Mobility Week with “Trento in bici”, last days to register

Mobility Week is in full swing and there are many initiatives is until Sunday 22 will make you reflect on the theme "Sharing public spaces", chosen to highlight the characteristics of the street as a place of meeting and socialization, as well as of transit.

are the Last days to register for “Trento in bici” , here, the initiative created by the Municipality and Apt in collaboration with Fiab on Sunday 22nd, to cycle together along the city streets.

Il route of about 10 km, starting from Piedicastello square, will touch the Exhibition Square, where a small snack will be offered to all participants, until reaching the Maria Teresa d'Asburgo Garden in Clarina, Where you can have lunch in company to then continue in the afternoon with activities dedicated to the little ones.

Thursday 19th September, from 16pm to 20pm, Dott Company – current manager of insharing scooters in the Municipality of Trento – organizes some training events dedicated to understanding the fundamental rules of safe use of scooters and “test rides” that will allow you to try the vehicles directly.

Finally, Tuesday 22 October there will be a new appointment with the Mobility conference organized by the Sustainable Mobility Office of the Municipality. The conference will review all the activities of the Municipal Administration in recent years on the subject of mobility, addressing the macro-themes of the vehicle parking system, cycling, Trento smart city and mobility management. The conference will be also accompanied by an exhibition that will retrace, among others, the themes of public transport, innovative projects and 30 zones.

Calendar and Information

The calendar of all the activities scheduled for the European Mobility Week will be available on the institutional website of the Municipality , here and on the European portal of the European mobility week , here

To participate, it is mandatory to register online by filling out the form available on the Apt website , here

Trento: Settimana Europea di Mobilità con “Trento in bici”, ultimi giorni per iscrizione

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